Chapter 32

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I jumped and looked behind me to see Okami looking confused and a bit angry. Mello and I remained in silence until he raised his voice. "Are you deaf? Who is it?" he yelled.

Mello sighed. "There's no point anymore..." he muttered. My eyes widened realizing what he was about to do. I signaled to him to stop talking but it was too late. "Ena isn't her real name." Mello said. "In case you haven't realized yet, her name is Katana, and she will no longer be dating you."

Okami was furious. He grabbed me and slapped me across the face. "How could you lie to me all these years?!" he screamed in anger. "What the hell did I ever do to you? I thought you trusted me!"

Mello ran out of the room. I just stood there in shock. "Okami, I do trust you! Please just-"

"Bullshit!" he yelled back at me, punching me dead in the eye. "You liar, I bet Light and Misa aren't even your real parents!"

Real parents. His words echoed through my head, playing on a constant loop. I could tell Okami was still yelling at me, but I couldn't hear a word he was saying. I couldn't breathe anymore. Everything was a blurr. My body shook and I began hallucinating. My mother stood in the corner of the room, getting closer with each sentence Okami said. I could almost feel the cold blade tracing my neck. My ears were ringing. The room was spinning around. Tears were spilling out of my eyes. Nothing felt okay anymore.

Mello ran back into the room with Near and Matt. They pulled me out of Okami's grasp and held me in their arms. Near and Mello held Okami back while Matt made sure I was safe. Although it was slightly muffled, I was able to hear Matt's voice. "It's okay, Kat, just breathe, everything will be okay..."

I hugged Matt and sobbed into his chest. He stroked my hair and helped me calm down as much as I could. Another pair of arms wrapped around me. I looked up, only to see Zero. I had completely forgotten that he was there, but seeing him gave me an idea. A gruesome, horrible idea.

"You were right..." I whispered to Zero. "And I'll make sure you get what you deserve..."

With that, I managed to get out of Matt's grasp and grabbed my backpack. I took off running and successfully made it out of the building. After running about a mile away, I stopped and took a gun out of my backpack.

I hugged Zero. "I'll miss you..." I mumbled.

"W-Wait, Katana, You can't-"

The sound of a gunshot cut off Zero mid-sentence. I had pulled the trigger before he could stop me. Zero pulled me into a tight hug and began crying. The last thing I heard was his voice shouting, "Why did I choose her?!"

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