Chapter 13

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It was 6:00 a.m. The sun was just starting to rise. I managed to sneak out of Task Force Headquarters without anyone noticing. The river wasn't that far, only a few blocks. I was so happy Zero was about to succeed.

I finally got to where I needed to be. I put my hand in the water. My hand felt like it was freezing, but I didn't really care as long as I died. I climbed a nearby tree and looked out over the river, holding Zero's hand. I thought he deserved to be thought of the same way I thought of L. "I love you, Dad..."

"I love you too, sweetheart." he said in between sobs. This shocked me. How did he act so calm? Even L was surprised when I called him "Dad" for the first time.

Choking back my tears, I gave Zero one last smile and jumped off the branch into the river. As I felt the cold water surround me, I sunk deeper and deeper. My lungs began to fill with water.

I heard a faint splash from about 30 feet away. As I felt myself losing consciousness, a pair of arms wrapped around me and I could feel them pulling me closer to the surface. Just then, my vision went black.

Light's POV

I caught my breath as I reached the surface with Katana in my arms. If she had died, Ryuzaki would have blamed me. Misa and the Task Force had followed me and stood at the edge of the river. I went back onto the land and laid her on the ground, beginning the process of CPR.

Before we knew it, millions of people crowded the area. There were news reporters everywhere, broadcasting live on Sakura TV. Katana finally woke up, choking out the remaining water in her lungs. Aizawa picked her up and ran back to Task Force Headquarters along with Misa and the rest of the Task Force. I tried to go along with them, but one of the reporters stopped me, followed by a cameraman.

I was asked a ton of questions, varying from why I rescued Katana to why she tried to commit suicide. They finally finished after about an hour of talking to me. I sighed and returned to Task Force Headquarters.

Misa tackled me to the ground in a hug. "You saved her life! You're a hero, Light, thank you so much!"

This was perfect. I spared her life in fear of being accused of taking it, but this could work in my favor. Ryuzaki would suspect me as Kira much less. Kira normally wouldn't care whether a child lives or dies. I can easily pose the situation as trying to save a life because I cared about Katana. If I'm being honest...

...she's more of an enemy to me than L is.

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