Chapter 29

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Okami's POV

The blonde-haired boy walked up to me. He offered me his hand to shake. "My name is Mello." he said.

"I'm Okami, nice to finally meet you." I said with a smile. I was desperately trying to get on his good side. It was obvious that he and Ena were close, so it was no surprise he was acting overprotective.

"I hear you're dating my little sister." he said menacingly. He narrowed his eyes at me and gave me the death glare. I was analyzing the situation carefully. Clearly, he thought I wasn't good enough for Ena.

"Wait, I thought Ena said she was an only child..." I mumbled. Ena chuckled.

"Mello likes to think of me as his sister." she explained. "I used to consider him as my brother before I went to Japan."

I understood and looked back at Mello, who was inspecting me closely. This was going to be a long day...

Mello's POV

I respected Katana's choices. She was mature enough to make her own decisions. Still, I didn't trust Okami. I knew that Katana was growing up, but part of me didn't want her to. The last time I saw her, she was only six years old. Now here she is, having a boyfriend at age ten. She always found it easier to make friends with boys rather that girls, but this was completely different.

I looked Okami dead in the eye. "So, why did you decide to date Ena?" I asked him.

"Ever since the fire, I've felt obligated to make it up to her. I want to put a smile on her face, she doesn't deserve to live a sad life after what she did."

I took a moment to process what he said and decide whether or not it was a valid reason. I sighed. "Come with me, I need to talk to you." I demanded.

He nervously followed me behind the building. I grabbed him and stared directly into his eyes. "If you upset her in any way, I'll have you shot on site, understand?" I said in a quiet and intimidating voice.

He nodded. "Y-Yes, sir..." he stuttered. I dropped him and we walked back to the rest of our group.

He better not touch her ever again, or there will be consequences...

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