Chapter 6

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My eyes opened the slightest bit. What happened? Why am I still alive?

"Thank god, you're awake!" Mello said as he pulled a chair up beside me. I had just noticed the bandages on my arms and the constant beeping of a heart monitor. This meant that I was in a hospital of some sort. As I looked around, I noticed that Near, Matt, and Mello were with me. I felt everyone's eyes on me; a feeling I had gotten used to since L came back. However, something was different...

Near walked over and took a seat next to Mello. "Do you have any idea how scared we were?" he said in a stern tone. "This is the second time you've tried to kill yourself!"

Just as I was about to respond, the door opened. I looked over only to see L approaching me. If I wasn't in enough trouble before, I definitely am now! My anxiety began taking over me before I was brought into a tight embrace. 

"Please... don't do this..."

I responded with only a hug. I really didn't understand what was going on, but sooner or later, I'd make sure Zero would succeed.


Okay, so I want to apologize for a few things. One, chapters have been pretty short lately. I'll definitely try to fix that. Two, updates will be slow. I'm kinda dealing with a few personal issues right now, so I hope that's understandable. Have a great day, and don't forget to stay weird! -Alyx

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