Chapter 5

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A few days had passed. It was almost funny how I've only cut myself a few times since L got here. Anytime he sees me, he watches my every move. I know it's because he doesn't want me dead, but it's getting a bit creepy.

The cuts on my arm began to bleed, soaking through my sleeve. Of all times, why now? When L is right here?! Of course, L noticed. He looked at me, and it was obvious he wanted an explanation. We just sat there for a while in silence. The whole atmosphere was really awkward for the both of us. I finally excused myself and left to my room.

I carefully walked down the hallway leading to my room. Ever since L stopped me from my release-- I mean suicide attempt he has been very watchful of me and Linda has left me alone but I can tell its really only a matter of time before she gets me. This is Wammy's; it's full of geniuses, right? I've been trying to stay away from Near, Mello and Matt. I'm really afraid of what they might be thinking of me or what they might say to me... we haven't talked since my attempt. In fact, no one has even talked about it since L showed up. I got lost in thought when suddenly I was pushed into a wall by-- ugh perfect it's Linda just great she does her usual pushing, kicking, screaming, and yelling at me. The punches I took actually opened the cuts on my arms a bit, so at least I had an excuse as to why my sleeves were stained.  After a few minutes of torture, I couldn't take it anymore. I don't know what came over me, but I smacked Linda across the face, leaving a red mark on her cheek.

She looked at me, her eyes burning with fury. "WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!" she screamed. She shoved me toward the wall and approached me with her fist in the air. 

"If you're so much of a genius, why don't you go calculate how much of this is your fault?" I muttered under my breath. She grabbed me by the throat and tightened her grip. "I swear to God-"


She dropped me, immediately recognizing L's voice. She took off running before L caught up to her and demanded an explanation. I felt like everything that was going on had already happened once. That's when I realized...

Linda was treating me the same way Mom did.

L did the same thing the Task Force did.

I was being tormented again because I just HAD to say something and ruin my own life.


My body started to shake thinking of that night. My finger traced over my scar. I could almost feel the glass shard digging into my neck. L ran back to me calling my name a few times.

"Katana, Katana, are you okay? Do I need to get someone?"

That was the last thing I heard. I knew he was talking to me, but I couldn't hear him. All I heard was Mom's voice whispering in my head.

"You're a failure."

"You're worthless."

"Go burn in hell with your father."

She kept saying things and I could have sworn I saw her standing in the hallway. That's when I got up and ran to my room. Locking the door, I grabbed my knife and cut my wrist as deep as I could.  I continued to cut the same spot until blood began to gush out of my wrist without any sign of stopping.

I fell to the ground as my vision became blurry. "So this is how it ends." I thought. I smiled at Zero and he slightly nodded at me. Suddenly, everything had gone dark.


Zero had succeeded.

(Shoutout to @libra207! She helped me out so much with this chapter, I dedicate the whole damn story to her at this point!)

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