Chapter 24

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I was still humiliated about my mother assuming things about Okami and I. We were just friends, we didn't like each other romantically at all! Well, there was no time to worry about that, I had to get ready for my first day of school.

I threw on my uniform and brushed my teeth. I brushed my hair and ate breakfast as fast as possible. Okami showed up at the door and we walked to the bus stop together. He held my hand the whole time, making me blush, but I ignored it as much as I could.

Before I knew it, we were both at school. I looked at how many students were in the class and began to panic. The classroom looked so small and cramped with so many people... it was just like Wammy's House except I didn't know anyone but one person...

Okami calmed me down. "It's okay, we'll be fine." he assured me. I nodded and took a deep breath before entering to classroom.

The day started with each one of us standing up and introducing ourselves to the class. Eventually, my turn came. I hesitantly stood up and plastered a smile across my face.

"M-M-My n-name is Ena Y-Yagami..." I said. One of the girls looked straight into my eyes.

"You're the one from the fire that was on the news, aren't you?" she asked.

I could already feel my PTSD starting to kick in. That's when she stood up. "Bold of you to just run into a fire for a complete stranger. Heck, you might as well have killed yourself on the spot." she said in a loud voice. I didn't even realize how much I was crying until some other kid pointed it out and the whole class was laughing at me.

Okami shouted at the other kids. "LEAVE HER ALONE, SHE SAVED MY LIFE!!"

Everyone shut up. He looked at me with a smirk. "Believe it or not, I'm actually pretty popular. They'll do almost anything I say most of the time." he told me.

I was kinda shocked, but all i did was nod. There was nothing else I could really do at the moment.

I went home later, still in tears. Matsuda happened to notice and hugged me. He asked what happened and I tried to answer him as best I could.

"The other kids are jerks..." I said. "They won't leave me alone and they keep teasing me and giving me unwanted attention..."

I couldn't hold any more tears b as cl and cried into his shoulder. Soon enough, the whole Task Force surrounded me trying to calm me down. I looked up at Zero and nodded. He nodded back, understanding what I was trying to say.

Sooner or later, I'm definitely going to end up killing myself.

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