Chapter 26

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It's been three years. Okami and I are ten years old now. Life has gotten better over the years. The kids at school have teased me much less than they used to, and Okami had become my boyfriend; with Light's permission, of course. I honestly feel pretty bad. I've dated him for this long and he still doesn't know my real name. I'm planning to tell him everything once the investigation is over and Kira is caught.

I was currently at Okami's house. We were sitting in his bedroom making comic books. It had become a hobby for the both of us that we did every weekend at his house. Suddenly, I got the feeling that something was wrong. I began zoning out and Okami snapped me out of it a few minutes later. "What do you think of this?" he asked. I flinched and looked up at the drawing he made.

"It looks great!" I said. "You should probably fix the hair and add some color, though."

He nodded and continued. We talked for hours and finished at least two books. That's when Okami's mother opened the door. "Ena..." she said in a somewhat sad tone. "Your father needs you to come home, he says it's urgent..."

I kissed Okami goodbye and left. Once I got to Task Force Headquarters, I saw the most disturbing and shocking thing...

L was laying on the ground. Dead.

The Task Force surrounded him. Everyone was in a panic. I immediately broke down into tears and ran to L, shoving a few people aside. I fell to my knees at his body, sobbing into his clothes. All the visions I had seen of this, all the nightmares... they were all true. I had seen it a million times, but it hurt more this time. Everyone used to deny that it was real, but it was.

"Why?!" I shouted. "He didn't deserve it, he never did anything!"

Misa tried to pull me away from L's body. I smacked her across the face as hard as I could and hugged the corpse. All I could do was sit there and cry my eyes out. "He did nothing wrong to anyone... he saved my life, why couldn't I save his?! I'm worthless..." I mumbled.

"Don't say that, Katana, you were the sunshine to his world!" Matsuda said, trying to comfort me. "I know you loved him, but-"

"But what?!" I snapped. "What do you want me to do, let this go after everything he did for me?! You just expect me to be okay with this and move on?!"


The night I was taken in was too good to be true. I forced myself to realize that it wasn't a daydream. I was currently in my new bedroom trying to sleep at 2 in the morning. Across the room, I saw my mother, glaring at me. Her body was surrounded by glitches and she held a broken bottle.

I bolted down the stairs in tears, frantically looking around for L. I found him crouched on a chair in front of a computer. I hugged him and he picked me up. "What happened?" he asked. "Was it a nightmare?"

"It was mama..." I told him. "Sh-She was trying to kill me again..."

L calmed me down and hugged me, telling me it wasn't real. He explained what hallucinations were and said I was only seeing things. I understood and  he walked me back to my bedroom.

The words he said before I went to bed stuck to me...

"Stay strong for  me, sunshine... stay strong."

~Flashback End~

Minutes later, the Task Force was trying to forcefully remove me from L. I started squirming around trying to get out of their grasp and reached my arm out to L.

Later that night, I was in my bedroom, still crying at the thought of what happened earlier. Blood was dripping from my wrists and sides. No, I hadn't stabbed myself, but there were too many cuts to count. The words L said to me the night he took me in echoed in my head...

"Stay strong for me, sunshine... stay strong."

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