Chapter 1

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He looked me right in the eye, his face showed no emotion what so ever! He was wearing a strong 'guardian mask' so i had no idea how he was really feeling. I was only sure that the next thing he was going to say was bad.

"Ive given up on you. Love fades...Mine has" I waited a second before i reacted. Was this a joke? I had been through hell and back for him when he was a strigoi, and this was how he repays me, with heartache! I let go of the breath i had no idea i was holding and closed my eyes so the tears wouldn't escape.

"Oh" I couldn't think of what else to say. 'But I did so much for you?' I travelled to Russia to save him, at the time my intention had been to kill him and put him out of his misery but that wasn't the point. I had saved him from being a strigoi. 'I saved you.' A look of disbelief crossed his face.

'No. Vasilisa saved me.'

I didn't need to hear anymore. The man I loved was ripping my heart out and tearing it to shreds. I ran out of the church and straight back to my dorm, i ignored several people calling my name, one of which was Lissa. I needed to be alone at the moment, i didn't want to explain why i cared so much about Dimitri, Lissa knew i cared for him, she even knew that i loved him. But i doubt she would understand how much, i didn't want to explan why i wanted to be with him so much or that i thought he was my soul mate at this particular moment.

As soon as i got into my room i locked the door and callapsed on my bed in a flood of tears, i was hurting more now than i was when he turned strigoi. I had hope that i could get him back as a strigoi, but now he had told me he had given up on me, there was no way to change his mind.

Through the bond i felt that Lissa was searching for Dimitri, she knew me well enough to know that i was upset over something he had done. Over the last few months i had only cried over him. I was sucked into her head and forced to watch them talk.

"What have you said?" She yelled "Why is my best friend locked in her room crying?" Dimitri looked pained and  i saw a flash of regret in his eyes. Did he regret the words that he chose.

"Im sorry, princess, but i made a decision and im going to stick with it" Lissa was getting angrier by the second.

"And whats the decision then?" He stood up straight

"As soon as i am allowed out in a couple of weeks i am leaving to guard Tasha" I forced myself out of Lissas head before he said anything else. He was leaving, it really, truly, was over.

That night nobody bothered me and i cried myself to sleep for the first time ever. Never in my entire life has something effected me this much.

Through the bond i could tell Lissa wanted to come over to me but understood i needed space. He didn't tell her what he had told me, probably because he was ashamed of the harsh words.

Ever since i met Dimitri i knew i wanted to be with him, if we were human we would probably get married, have kids and have our own happily ever after!

But maybe happily ever after is too mainstream.

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