Chapter 4

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We all walked down to the cafeteria in a comfortable silence, nobody dared break the noise free walk and i was happy. If anyone did talk i wouldn't be suprised if it was Adrian, he sometimes struggled to keep his mouth shut!

Lissa sent me sympathy messages though the bond but after the 4th i got annoyed and snapped "Seriously Lissa. Shut up, your sending me insane, your acting like im broken. Im fine" Everyone stopped and stared at me, suprised at my sudden outburst.

"Im just trying to help. When i saw you that day you looked broken. Ever since you came back you have pushed me away for no reason, i dont no what to do" Lissa turned to the Adrian and Dimitri "Give us a minute, me and Rose need to talk" The boys nodded and walked down the hallway. When they were out of sight Lissa turned her attension back to me "Care to explain why you push me away? Your acting like you hate me, what have i done?" She asked.

"I dont hate you" I sighed and looked at the floor.

"Then what have i done?" I could sense the desperation in her voice even without the bond, she desperately wanted to know what was wrong

"Nothing" I replied

"Rose" She warned. My patience broke and it was like a switch had been flipped

"You want to know the truth" I yelled "Im angry. Angry that you was able to bring him back and i wasn't. Angry that he pushes me away even though i've told him time and time again that i forgive him. Angry that he has given up on me" I continued to yell at her, but towards the end i had started to cry and tears were pouring down my face. I buried my head in my hands "I cant handle being around him. Its too hard" I sobbed.

Lissa put her arm around my shoulders "Im sorry Rose. I know how much you want him back but he needs time to heal, like you do. I no you might think your fine but i can tell your not, the bond doesn't have to work both ways to figure that out" I looked up so i was facing her and her eyes were filled with sorrow and worry.

"I need to go back to my room" I said. I didn't want to be around anyone anymore.

"No please come to the cafeteria, you havent had proper food in a few days, you must be starving?" I shook my head

"Im fine" I said.

"Please dont shut me out again, please just sit with me for 20 minutes and then you can go back to your bed. We can sit at a different table if you want?" I shook my head

"It's fine. I'll sit with you, i dont want to ruin the rest of your day" She sent me one last look before i turned away and walked down the hall, i could hear Lissa's heals against the floor as she followed behind me.

When we got to the cafeteria Lissa had caught up to me and linked our arms together. We walked over to the table where the boys were and sat down, Eddie and Christian had joined the table and Mia was walking over to join us.

"Hey Rose. Long time no see, where have you been?" I shrugged and sat down

"Around. How are you here?" I asked. Mia smiled

"Life at court is boring, im coming back to St Vlads until i graduate!" I nodded.

"Oh cool! It's good that your coming back, it means we get to see you more" Adrian gasped and we all stared at him "Adrian what happened?" He stared at me for a second

"Little Dhampir stand up" I frowned

"Adrian why?" He shook his head

"Just stand up, im not sure whos aura im seeing. You are all sat too close to one another" I shook my head and stood up and walked a step away from the table

"Better?" I asked. He didnt answer me, he just stared at me. "Adrian say something" He shook his head

"This can't be possible, we haven't even...." He didn't finish his sentence.

"What are you on about? I asked, i had to no what he was on about "Adrian just tell me" i said raising my voice louder than it needed to be.

"Your aura is wierd!" He announced. I sighed

"We figured this out ages ago. Remember im shadow-kissed!" He shook his head

"No it different, its-" he hesitated and looked around at the 6 faces looking at him confused 'Can we talk about this another time.'

"Sure!" I sat back down next to Lissa and Mia and we started talking again. Mia told us about her life at court while Dimitri and Eddie chatted about him moving to live with Tasha. I tried not to listen to there conversation because i know it would hurt me but i found myself wanting to no what he was saying.

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