Chapter 2

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The rest of the night we just relaxed in the livingroom, it was nice not having to worry about strigoi. It was extremely rare for a strigoi to attack Baia so i wouldn't have to be as alert.

Paul wouldn't leave my side, he made me feel really bad, he told me he didn't want to leave my side incase i left again. I felt like crying when he told me, i didn't realise who i was affecting when i left, i didn't no who i was hurting.

We spent the whole night wathing tv and he showed me one of his new western novels, it's amazing how much he resembles Dimitri, he would be proud of this little man.

"Aunty Roza?" Asked Paul, sweetly

"Yes, Paul" He rested his head on my shoulder as we were sat side by side on the couch

"Are you and Uncle Dimka friends?" Pauk sounded hopeful, like he wanted me and Dimitri tk be together. I sighed

"I dont no paul, i dont know?" Paul looked disapointed

"Mama said Dimka's a fool to leave you, why did he go?" I shrugged my shoulders

"Sometimes peoples love fades and they dont feel the same way about them" Paul shook his head

"I think he was stupid. I wouldn't of left you, you said that you loved him when you last came, why would he want to get rid of that?" I shook my head

"I dont no. Your uncle Dimka has been through alot, it's a miracle he has got himself together again!" Paul nodded but didn't look like he was finished asking question

"Do you love him?" I nodded slowly

"Of course" I whispered.

"What did you say to the family earlier when Viktoria told me to leave you alone for a bit?" I smiled slightly and put my hand on my stomach

"I came to tell them the wonderful news that im pregnant" Paul smiled and gave me hug

"Do you no who the daddy is?" I nodded

"Yes. Its your uncle Dimka!" Paul gasped, i doubt he new it was impossible so he 100% believes me.

"Thats amazing, so im going to have a baby cousin?" I nodded

"Yes!" Paul smiled widly "Can you help me think of names?" Paul nodded

"Sure! Do you know if its a boy or girl yet?" I shook my head "Okay, we will think of names for both!"

"I've already thought of one boys name but I'm not sure yet. What about Andrè?" Paul nodded his head

"And what about a girl?" I bit my lip "Have you though of one?" I shook my head

"Not really'' Paul chuckled

"So your like Dimka, you want a boy?'' I shrugged my shoulders

''I would be happy with either, but yes, I would prefer a boy!"

''For a girls name what about...Sophia or Irina?" I nodded

''I like Irina, it's Russian and pretty!" Paul smirked

''So have we just named the baby?'' I shook my head

''I still want more boy names?'' Paul bit his lip and started thinking

''What about...-" Olena walked in and cut Paul off without realising

"Paul, leave Roze alone I'm sure she's very tired and just wants to relax'' Paul smiled and nodded at his grandmother

''Okay, see you in a bit Rose'' I waved my hand and Paul walked up the stairs. Olena walked back into the kitchen leaving me alone.

I took out my phone and text Lissa 'Hey, just to let you know, I'm safe and having fun. Please visit soon?'' I sent the message and put my phone back in my pocket. I turned on the Tv and a Russian channel came on, after about five minutes of trying to understand it I give up and turned it off.

I stood up and walked to the kitchen ''Olena is there somewhere I could go to sleep, please?'' Olena nodded

''Yeah. There's either the spare room or Dimka's room?''

''Can I have the spare room please?'' Olena nodded and showed me to my room, she helped me carry my bags.

''I'm so glad you finally decided to come and live with us'' I smiled

''And me''

Olena left me to unpack my things in the room, the room had everything I would need, a dresser, a wardrobe and a bed. Olena had even put a Tv in here!


Please follow my sister @Va_McCann she writes vampire academy fanfiction aswell

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