Chapter 5

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When I woke up the following morning it was because I was going to be sick. I guess morning sickness has started. I got up and ran to the bathroom where I threw my head over the toilet. I hated feeling like this, even though my morning sickness started the day before I found out about my baby it stopped for a bit.

Once I had finished being sick. I went downstairs to get a drink. I walked into the kitchen and froze, I wasn't the only one in the kitchen. Someone was trying to.unlock the door, I grabbed a knife out of the draw and waited until they got inside.

The door opened and I ran forward but stopped before I ran into them. I knew this person.

It was Dimitri.

"Are you trying to give me a heart attack?" I put the knife down and tried to catch my breath.

"Rose? What are you doing here?" I walked over to the light and turned it on

"I'm staying here for a bit. Kirova kicked me out of the academy so me and Andrei thought we would move to Russia?" I put my hand on my stomach as I said my baby's name. Dimitri looked down at my stomach and slightly smiled.

"Why are you here. In my mothers house?" I smiled sadly

"My parents basically abandoned me again and the last time I was here Olena said that if I ever needed help I should go to her, so I did" he nodded "and I thought she should no that I was having her grandchild" I made sure the tone of my voice told him I was annoyed

"Rose you no aswell as I do that two dhampirs cant have children, why would you make that up. Are you trying to get back at me?" I shook my head

"Dimitri its your choice if you want to believe me or not but ive only ever been with you, its impossible for him not to be yours"

Dimitri went to say something but was cut off when Paul walked through the kithen door "Aunty Roza?" Paul looked at the figure in front of me "Uncle Dimka?" Paul stood in front of me, almost in a protective stance. I walked forward so I was next to Paul and whispered in his ear

"Aren't you going to say hi to your uncle?" He shook his head

"Moma said that uncle Dimka isn't welcome in this house until he says sorry to you'' I shook my head and chuckled quietly

''Remeber when aunty Sonya was pregnant, if you said no to her what happened?'' Paul froze

''Is it like that with everyone. Even you?'' I raised my eyebrows

''Do you really want to find out?'' He shook his head and ran over to Dimitri. You could tell that he really wanted to say hello to Dimitri because he launched himself at him! I smiled and made myself a drink of water. After Paul and Dimitri were finished saying hello to eachother they turned back to me.

"So Rose, why are you up so early. Your not normally up till 11 o'clock, at least!" I playfully glared at Paul

"My morning sickness has started" Paul sighed

"Oh no. Not again'' I laughed

''What do you mean 'again'?'' I asked.

''When Sonya was pregnant, when she had morning sickness she would be up really early and then when we tried to help her she would scream at us'' I laughed

''I don't think I'll be that bad'' he raised one eyebrow which really annoyed me, why could everyone do that but me. Maybe it was just Russian people!

''That's what Sonya said'' I laughed and walked off towards the stairs ''where are you going?'' He asked.

''Back to bed. I'm not being-'' I spoke to soon, I ran into the bathroom and started being sick again. Paul followed me and held my hair back

''Well done, you didn't scream at me. Maybe you will be different'' I growled

''Oh, bite me'' Paul scoffed

''Just cranky'' Paul said quietly. I was going to say something witty back at him but I noticed something down the toilet.


I flushed the chain and wiped my mouth. I ran into the kitchen and grabbed my phone, I hadn't noticed before but I was crying. I frantically searched through my phone for the hospital number to see if i could get an emergency appointment.

Dimitri noticed my tears and walked over to me ''what's wrong?'' He asked. I ignored him because i found the number.

I dialed and it started ringing.




Ri- "hello, how can I help you'' I cleared my throat

''I need an emergency appointment please.'' I could hear the boys talking behind me but I didn't pay attension

''Could I ask you why?'' She asked.

''Because I'm pregnant and i've just been sick, but there was blood'' the boys behind me gasped and Paul ran up to me and put his ear by the phone so he could hear her response

''Yeah that's fine, can you make it here in an hour at 8:30?"

''Yeah, of course'' I put the phone down and Dimitri walked forward

''Is that true?'' He asked.

''As if I'm going to make that up?'' I shouted ''my baby. Somethings wrong and I dont no what it is'' I sobbed.

My shouting woke up the rest of the family and they ran downstairs. ''Rose what's wrong?'' Karolina was the first to see Dimitri

''Dimka? Is she shouting because of you, because stress is bad for the baby'' I shook my head

''It was at him. Not because of him. Karo somethings wrong with Andrei'' I started crying again and she rushed to my side.

''What happened?'' She asked.

''I was sick'' she sighed

''Honey that's normal'' I shook my head

''Not when there's blood in it'' she froze.

''We need to call the hospital'' I nodded

''I already have, i've got to be there in an hour'' She nodded and put her arm around my shoulder to try and comfort me

''Do you want me to come with you?'' I nodded again

''If you don't mind?'' She shook her head

''Of course not, your like a sister to me. I will call a cab'' I nodded but Dimtri cut her off

''Don't bother. I bought my car, I'll drive you'' Karolina looked at me to see if I minded but I just nodded in response

''Fine but you will stay in the car'' Karolina said.

He nodded ''you need to go and get ready then''

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