Chapter 12

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I must of fallen asleep because when i woke up Dimitri was no longer on the couch with me and i wasn't alone downstairs.

I could hear Karolina, Olena and Dimitri talking in the kitchen, luckily the house was silent ao i could heat every word they were saying.

"Dimitri, im so happy for you. When i came down to get a drink you and Rose looked very cosy together!" Dimitri chuckled

"Yeah im happy too" He said.

"I've never seen you this happy, i hope that Rose refects your happiness because everytime i've seen her she looks depressed, especially the last few days. This baby has taken a toll on her and she needs someone to look after her." I smiled, i liked knowing that Olena cared about me. I had never had someone care this much for me, Lissa was like a sister to me but i was always the one to look after her.

"I hope so to mama, i love Rose with all my heart, i would never do anything to hurt her" Olena tutted

"Dimka, dont make promises you cant keep. People get hurt because of them, Rose being the example." I didn't want her saying this to him, i had forgiven Dimitri for what he had said, it may have taken time but i had. But i knew better than to interupt Olena when she was having a heart to heart chat with her son.

"Mama, you have to understand what i was going through. I didn't think i could forgive myself for what i did to those people and Roza, it hurt yo know that shr suffered because of the other part of me." I stood up off the couch and walked into the kitchen

"Roza, your awake?" I smiled. He walked up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist placing his hands on my bump.

"Yeah comrade, i cant sleep forever. Eventhough i would like to" He chuckled and bent down to place a kiss on my forehead. I could feel a big grin pulling on my lips and when i looked over to Olena i knew she had seen it.

"You dont have to worry about anything here, if you want to sleep go and lie down" I shook my head

"No way. Its hard enough to get to sleep as it is, do yoy know how hard it is to sleep with an unfamiliar bump on your tummy?" Dimitri smirked

"No i dont. But from now on you wont be in this alone, you will always have me" I looked ovr at Karolina

"I guess my body is trying to tell me something!" Karolina nodded

"Am i missing something?" Dimitri asked

"No, me and Karolina were having a chat earlier and she said something that might of been right!" I smiled and he shook his head

"I dont wanna no! What do you want to do today?" He asked. I bit my lip and thought

"What is there to do?" I asked. Dimitri shook his head

"I dunno. We could go out for breakfast? By the time we get into town it will probably be lunch, but it will still be nice." I nodded

"Sounds great, i'll just go and get ready" I kissed his cheek and made my way upstairs.

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