Chapter 6

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I ran into the car and strapped myself in, I wasn't going to be late for this appointment, I had to no if my baby was okay. He had to be right? Yeva saw him in her dream, which meant he had to exsist? I just hoped my theory was true.

Dimitri and Karolina got into the car and Dimitri pulled off onto the road ''I don't want you to get a speeding ticket or anything, but you going really slow, ive gotta find out if my little man is okay'' Dimitri put his foot down slightly and we went faster.

We got to the hospital about half an hour later, I got out of the car and ran into the hospital to check in.

''Am I late?'' I asked the women at the desk. She smiled

''Are you Ms. Hathaway?'' I nodded ''No. The doctor is going to call you in anytime now'' I smiled and walked over to the waiting area. Karolina walked in minutes later and, as promised, Dimitri waited in the car. To my surprise I was disappointed. I wanted the father of my child to be in here with me, holding my hand and telling me everything is going to be okay.

I shook my head and Karolina sat next to me, she put her arm around me again ''its going to be okay, he has to be'' I nodded my head and the doctor called my name. My tummy turned as I stood up

''I'm gonna be sick again'' She told me to run to the toilet and would tell the doctor. I nodded and I headed off in the direction of the toilets.

Five minutes later and I was walking back to the doctors office, I found it a few minutes later with the help of the nice lady at the desk.

''So what seems to be the problem Ms. Hathaway?'' I sat on the chair closest yo him and explained what happened this morning. He nodded and asked me to lie on the bed

''I'm going to do an ultrasound to see how your baby is?'' He set up the aquiptment and turned back to me with a tube of gel ''this is going to be cold'' I nodded but Karolina laughed

''Its worse than you think, Rose'' I laughed and the doctor squirted it onto my bare stomach. It was freezing, 100 times worse than I expected, I shivered as it hit my skin.

''Where has that stuff been? The artic?'' Karolina laughed

''Told ya!" I shook my head and looked at the monitor

''Is everything okay in there?'' I asked the doctor. He looked around but looked satisfied

''The baby seems fine, a little small but all babies grow different. He might suddenly get a lot bigger over the next few months. About the blood in your vomit, I will subscribe some medication for that. I would also like you to come back in a few weeks for a check up'' I nodded again trying to keep back the tears of joy trying to escape my eyes. I was speachless, my baby seemed fine. But of course, hes a Hathaway, a fighter. He truly is my little warrior.

''Can I get some pictures please?'' He walked over to his computer

''Of course. How many?'' I looked at Karolina but she shrugged her shoulders

''Five please'' he nodded and walked out of the room to collect the pictures.

''If you wait in the waiting area, i'll just go get them'' I nodded and he handed me some tissue so i could wipe the gell off my.stomach.

We walked out of his office and sat back down in the chair, a few minutes later the doctor came back out holding an envolope and a small package, which I assumed were my medication.

''Take a tablet twice a day, when you wake up and when you go to sleep. Start them tomorrow so you have a full day'' I nodded and opened the envolope and took out the first picture I saw, I held it out in front of me and smiled, this was my baby, the first picture I would ever get of baby Andrei. Tears poured down my face as we walked back to the car, I couldn't stop staring at my baby, he was beautiful. I pictured the perfect image of him in my head. Dark brown hair and Dimitri's signiture eyes that many girls in the future would fall in love with just like his mommy did.

I held the photo close to my chest and hugged it, more tears escaped my eyes and now I was crying hysterically. For the first time since Dimitri broke my heart, I was crying because I was happy. Maybe I didn't need him, I just needed my baby.

I opened the car door and got in, still crying my eyes out.

''Is he okay?'' Dimitri asked. I couldnt speak so I just nodded

''He's perfect'' I reached into the evlnvolope and pulled out a photo ''Dimitri I'm being serious, I don't no how this is possible but this baby is yours. It would mean the world to me if you would believe me but at the moment I can settle with you having this photo'' I handed over the photo and he took it. He stared down at it in a similar way I did, with love filling his eyes. That was the moment I realised he believes me, he realises he has a son.

''Thankyou Roza'' He stared at the photo for a few minutes and then put it in the glove box so he could drive home.

I smiled and did my seatbelt up, the whole way home I was either looking at Andrei or Dimtri. Maybe I did need Dimitri aswell. My heart still fluttered when I see him, my head still spun. I was like a love sick puppy when it came to him. He had changed me!

We got back to the house and I carried the envolope inside with me, I still had 3 pictures left so I decided I would send one to Lissa, one to Olena and the last one could be Paul's.

As soon as I got through the door everyone surrounded me, except Yeva, she probably had a dream that he would be okay.

''Is he okay?'' Asked Olena, frantically. I handed her a picture and smiled

''Olena meet you healthy baby grandson'' she smiled and everyone looked at the photo, they either 'arhed' or 'ohed' when they sae him.

Paul walked over to me and gave me a hug ''see there was nothing to worry about'' I smiled and hugged him back

''To show you how grateful I am for staying strong when I was unable to, I'm gonna give you the last picture.'' He kissed my cheek

''Thanks aunty Roza'' I handed him the photo and he ran upstairs. Since the last time I had came here, Paul had grew up. He acted like someone who was double his age, sometimes I wondered who was the true adult out of the two of us!

Dimitri and Karolina walked through the door as I was talking to Paul without me realising and just stood there watching us all.

''Thanks for coming in with me Karolina'' I said as I walked over to them ''and thanks for driving Conrade'' he visibly flinched as I said his old nickname.

''The weird thing is, i've missed being called that'' he chuckled

''So have I. I had no one to pick on while you were gone, I'm not aloud to piss Christian off anymore. Lissa has gone all crazy protective girlfriend on me.'' He laughed

''What did you used to do to Christian?'' I shrugged

''The usual, calling him names, pointing out how girly he is and pranks. She never used to mind them'' he shook his head

''No, she never used to tell you she minded them'' I raised my eyebrow but was cut off by Dimitri raising just one. He smirked ''still cant do it?'' I glared at him playfully

''No'' I tried to raise one eyebrow but looked like a fool so I stopped ''but u don't care'' he raised the eyebrow again ''okay, maybe I do care. How do you do it?'' I asked. Karolina laughed

''Like this'' Karolina raised her eyebrow and I gasped

''And you? Who else can do it?'' She looked around

''Everyone but Zoya and Dima, they are too young'' I sighed

''Well that's annoying'' she laughed and walked off.

Paul came running down the stairs again ''where did you go?'' I asked, he looked at me like it wad obvious

''To put the picture in my photo album so it didn't get ruined'' I nodded

''Oh. Makes sense!" Me and Paul walked over to the couch and sat down. ''I'm so tired and its only half 1, this is annoying!" Paul laughed

"Go to sleep then?" I shook my head

"If I sleep now, I wont sleep tonight" he shook his head

"I'm sure you will. You look exhausted, just have ten minutes on the couch or something'' I nodded and lay my head back

''Okay'' I closed my eyes and the world around me faded as I drifted out of consciousness.

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