Chapter 4

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When we got back to the house Olena had already started making dinner, we had been gone for 3 and a half hours so we had about an hour and a half until we would be eating.

I ran up the stairs and went into my room, I shut the door and locked it so nobody could come in. I walked over to the mirror and pulled up my top to look at my bump. Just as I thought it was barely visible. I sighed and sat on my bed. I pulled out my phone and looked up '14 weeks pregnant' on the Internet. It came up with pictures of peoples baby bumps.

I looked through a lot of them and none of them were as small as mine. I began to get worried, what was wrong with my baby? Why was he so small?

For the first time since I got here, I sat on my bed and cried. The thought of something being wrong with my baby scared me. I had barely known about him for 3 weeks and I had already possibly failed him.

I tried to be as quiet as i could when crying but the more I thought about it the more i cried. 10 minutes later and I was histerical.

I wiped my eyes and.went to.the bathroom so I could splash my face with some cold water.

When I went downstairs Sonya and Viktoria were in the livigroom playing with the children while Karolina and Olena were cooking in the kitchen. Yeva must of been asleep or something because she wasn't downstairs. I decided I wouldn't tell them about my little 'meltdown' because they would probably think I'm being silly, instead I'm going to book a doctors appointment with a moroi hospital.

I sat down next to Viktoria and Paul came and sat next to me "Viktoria told me you know its a boy" I laughed and shook my head

"Even Paul knew?" Viktoria looked guilty but tried to laugh it off.

"So what's he going to be called then?"

"I think I'm going to call him Andrei like Lissa's brother but change the spelling. That way he has a Russian name and he's named after someone special." Paul smiled "Also, my little warrior's name means warrior!" Viktoria laughed.

For the rest of the evening until dinner me and Viktoria played.with the children. Paul showed us all of his toy cars that he made us race, I had a red car and Vik had a blue one. We started at the couch and raced to the door, luckily for Viktoria, she won!

When dinner was ready Olena called us all to the table, there was a lot of food, enough to feed 7, luckily for us we had seven people! Out of everyone I had the most, they hadn't forgotten my eating habits and had made sure there was extra food incase I wanted more.

Once I was finished I sat on the couch for a bit just watching the family. It was quite entertaining to watch Paul with Zoya and Dima, someday he was going to be a great dad. Although they said that about Dimitri and he hasn't spoke to me since he found out I was pregnant, lets hope Paul doesn't turn out like him.

At 9 o'clock I went to bed. shipping had really made me.tired, so I had no trouble getting to sleep.

:-) ------ :-)

I've changed chapter 9 so please check it out. Also Dimitri comes in 2 days not 3, it was going to slow

Elle xox

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