Chapter 5

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Yesterday Dimitri left to guard Tasha so i doubt i will ever see him again, which is good really because that means i can move on with my life and maybe go to college with Lissa like we planned to do when we were kids.

When we were younger we used to always plan our future, Lissa was going to become a beautiful moroi princess and i was going to become the most respected, badass guardian known to man kind! I guess we've succeeded in life, we have become exactly what we wanted. Well, im close to becoming a guardian, i get my promise mark tomorrow night at the ceremony.

Every night i cry myself to sleep, i cry in the day but its worse at night. I think about him more, i relive the memories. The worst kind of crying is the silent one. The one when everyone is asleep. The one where you feel it in your throat, and your eyes become blurry from the tears. The one where you just want to scream. The one where you have to hold your breath to keep quiet. The one where you cant breathe anymore.Where you realise the only person you truly loved, has left.

Lissa knocked on my door 3 times and let herself in "Rose? Where are you?" She asked. She walked into my bedroom and saw me on the bed "Oh there you are!" She sat next to me on the bed.

"Whats wrong Lissa?" I asked. Through the bond i could tell Lissa wanted to tell me something really bad "Just tell me" She put her hand on mine and smiled slightly

"Tasha has invited us to her house party. She bought a new house and she is having a bbq to settle in." I sighed

"Do i have to come?" She shrugged

"If you really dont want to you dont have to.' I shook my head

"I'll have to come, you're my charge" She frowned

"You really don't have to.' I shook my head again

"No. When is it?"

"Next week, we leave in 4 days"

"Okay. I'll start packing in a few days" Lissa nodded and gave me a warm hug. I could tell she was grateful but also concerned for me, she had been talking to Adrian and he had mentioned my aura. Apparently my aura was odd and unusual, there was more shadows and a grey spot in the middle, Lissa and Adrian think its because im shadow-kissed.

This week i cant get a break! First of all, Dimitri leaves and now i have to go to a bbq at the house he is probably staying at.

The Plane Ride There:

Me and Lissa sat down at our assigned seats and Christian and Adrian sat behind us. Lissa put her head on my shoulder and started to go to sleep

"Lissa!" She snapped her head up and looked at me confused. "Lissa im gonna be sick.' Lissa had sat me next to the window because she hated looking down! She quickly got out of her seat and i ran past her to the toilet. I opened the door just as i started to be sick, Lissa had followed me and held up my hair. The guys had heard me being sick and they came to see what was wrong.

"Little Dhampir, are you okay?" I wiped my mouth with some tissue and put it down the toilet. I wiped my forehead and flushed the chain.

"Im fine, Adrian. Dont worry!" I tried my best to smile but it was hard since i felt like i wanted to be sick.

Once i was sure i wasn't going to throw up again, i went back to my seat. Me and Christian swapped places so he could be wih Lissa. I didn't mind though because Adrian let me go to sleep on him which was nice, it wasn't the same as it was with Dimitri but i dont think anythink will ever be like that again.

4 hours after i fell asleep, i woke up again because the pilot told us we were about to land! I put my seat belt on and waited until we landed.

Adrian carried my bags off the plane and into the car Tasha had arranged to pick us up in. Luckily Tasha had sent a driver that we didn't know instead of Dimitri like i thought she would.

We all sat in the back of the SUV and the driver pulled off. I sat next to Adrian and he put his arm around my shoulder "Rose, your aura is worrying me. Please can we try and work out what it is, me and Lissa are doing whatever we can but we can only do so much" I frowned at him

"Cant you just shut up about auras for one day, i feel fine so its not that important. If it really bothers you we will have a look after the trip but for now, just leave it" Adrian knew i was getting annoyed so he backed off

"Fine." I could tell he was a bit off with me because i had snapped at him, but him and Lissa have been talking about my aura way too much, its getting really annoying!

After 15 minutes of being in the car we pulled up to a big mansion, i guess Tasha has really come far. Since i got back from Russia everyone at court had started to except that what Chriatians parents did wasnt her fault, shes actually blending in with the royals again. If i didn't hate her i would be happy for her....but im not!

I opened the car door and got out. I cant believe i used to think Russia was like the artic, looking at it now it was actually okay, a little cold but u wasn't going to freeze! Tasha and Dimitri stepped outside of the white double doors at the front of the house and walked down the steps.

Once the others were out of the car they joined me as i watched Tasha and him walk down the steps towards us, Tasha was almost running down the steps, I guess she was exited to see her nephew! Dimitri wasn't going as fast as Tasha, instead he was walking.

Tasha had already given us all a hug by the time Dimitri reached us, he greeted us one by one, me last

"Rose" he nodded

"Dimitri" I responded. As he looked into my eyes time stopped, what could have been seconds felt like eternity, i never wanted this second to end, but at the same time i did. I guess some times my emotions get a little confused.

I turned around to face the car that was pulling into the driveway, it was another one of Tasha's guests because they arrived in the same kind of car as us. The car came to a hault and a beautiful young women stepped out, she had long brown hair that was just a few shades lighter than mine, deep brown eyes that you could get lost in and was very well built for a girl her age.

As soon as she got out of the car she spotted me "Rose?" She asked.

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