Chapter 14

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Me and Lissa walked diwn to the cafe "So have you thought of any baby names?" I smirked at her

"Is this you idea of small talk Lissa?" Lissa smiled

"No im actually interested. How would i not be interested on my best friends pregnancy?" I smiled

"To be hinest, i have been thinkig if baby names. If my baby is a boy, Andrè because your family have done so much for me my whole life, especially your brother. I thought it would be a nice way to repay him" I coukd srr Lissa's eyes startig to tear up

"Thats amazing Rose. I'm sure that if Andrè was here, he would be honered! What about a girl?" We just entered the cafe as she asked this so i waited jntil we was sat down unill i carried on the conversation.

"I was thinking maybe, Irina or Alexis!" Lissa smirked again

"Russian?" She asked. I rolled my eyes, i was thinking, my baby should know where they come from, i am going to have a Russian baby. He or she will be born in Russia!" Lissa smiled

"I know. Does it also have to do with the fact that there daddy is Russian?" I smiled slightly enbarrased

"Yes." I answered. "Anyway Lis, the day that i left Tasha's i went into your head when you was sat down, just before Christian tild you to stay oyt of my relationship you mentioned that he was going to call me...?" I raised my eyebrows

"Didn't he call you?" I shook my head "Unbeliveable. And they sonder shy i get involved!" I chuckled a little bit "So he really didn't call you?" I shook my head again and Lissa huffed "I cant belive him!" I smiled and tried to change the subject

"Do you think i shoukd tell Olena im coming, or would it be a nice suprise?" Lissa looked at the menu on the table

"I would tell her, its not like you need another suprise. You already have a massive one! Your gonna tell her shes becoming a grandmother to another child, and that this baby is a miracle baby" Lissa being LIssa managed to get back to rhe recent subject

"What will you say if you see him?" I shook my head

"I wont" She gasped quietly

"Nothing?" I shook my head "At all?" I shook my head again "Okay but what if he speaks to you? What if he asks to be oart of your babies life?" I shrugged ny shoulders

"Too little too late. He had a whole week and a half to call, and he didn't. It's his loss" Lissa nodded

"Oh. Okay!" Lissa called over a waitress in the school cafe and ordered a coffee. I had a glass of orange juice because i cant have caffeine due to the baby.

For the next half an hour we sat at the table discussing everything we should have been talking BOut when i was too busy tracking down my former lover/mentor or when i was runnig off to fight strigoi when i was underage! To my supruse alot of emotions come out that i had been subconsiously keepinf in until me and Lissa spoke about them, i must of thought i could only trust her!

Lissa told me about her and CHristian and how hapoy they are together, she even told me that when she grduates and gets a little older she hopes to carry on the Dragomir line "can you just imagine how cute your babies are gonna be....Oh wait, Christian is gonna be the father" I smirked "New question: Can you imagine how annoying thy are goung to be?" Lissa laughed

"You say that you and Christian font get aling but i saw how worried he was for you when you left, and are you forgetting who spent 6 weeks guarding him and eventually didn't mind it?" I pretended to look privledged

"Christian Ozera was worried for me?" I sighed sarcastically "How did i ever become so lucky?" Me and Lissa both started laughing, but then all of a sudden she started crying. I stood uo and gave her a hug

"Im sorry Rose!" She aiped her eyes

"Why are you crying?" She sighed

"Im going to miss this! The only reason wr are doing this again is becausr your leaving and i wonr see you for ages. I wish we put the effort in ages ago ehrn you were still aloowed to stay!" I smiled sadly

"And me. But dint worry, we will text, call and video chat all the time, you wont miss any of my pregnancy and when you graduate you will pratically be living with me, remember?" Lissa nodded

"Promise?" She stuck out her pinky and i linked mine aith hers

"Promise!" I replied


We spent the rest if the day sat in the cafe, we cancelled any plans we had to stay with each oher. At the end i didn't want to leave, it was my last full day wih her and I never wanted it to end. I didn't want to leave my sister.

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