Chapter 7

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Me, Lissa and Viktoria explored Tasha's house, we visited all of the rooms and then sat outside by the beautiful water fountain. I could tell that Viktoria desperately wanted to ask me something so i put her out of her misery.

"Vik, just ask me. I can tell you want to ask me something" She smiled

"How did you know?" I smirked

"All you Belikov's are easy to read! Now ask me" She sighed

"What happened to you and my brother. When you was in Russia you told us how much you loved him? We could tell you were both made for eachother" I smiled weakly

"You was wrong. We wasn't made for eachother" She shook her head

"Tell me what happened?" She asked. I nodded and she leaned forward so she could hear me properly.

"When me and Lissa restored Dimitri he shut me out, he said he owed his life to Lissa and refused to see me. Lissa told me to leave him alone while he gets over what he was but i couldn't help myself, i loved him. One day when he was at church i went up to him and confronted him, he got angry and told me that his love had faded and he had given up on me. I didn't come out of my room for a week and Lissa had to beg to come in" a small tear escaped my eyes and fell onto the floor "He broke me" Viktoria put her arms around me and whispered in my ear

"I could kill him. He might be my brother but i hate him for what he did to you, when Yeva told me and mama what she saw in her dream, mama was so angry. Tomorrow night at the party she is probably going to kick his ass!" I smiled

"Okay." I laughed a little bit "I cant wait to see that. Big bad russian guardian gets taken down by sweet Olena!" Viktoria chuckled

"You might think shes sweet but you should have seen her when i never used to clean my room!" She laughed "It was scary"

We sat on the grass for about an hour then i started feeling sick again. I stood up and ran inside the house followed by Viktoria and Lissa.

I ran through the living room and quickly made it to the bathroom. Turns out when i was running through the livingroom 2 more people had followed me to see what was wrong. Dimitri and Adrian.

I ran into the bathroom and threw my head over the toilet and puked for a whole 5 minutes. Once i was finished i started crying and wiped my mouth "Whats wrong with me?" I whimpered.

Adrian put his arms around me and pulled me off the floor "Come on, we are going to a doctor" He turned to face Dimitri "Where is it?" He asked.

Dimitri froze for a second as he looked into my eyes "I'll take you there if you want, its about half an hour away" Adrian nodded and i looked over to Lissa to ask her for help

"Just give us the directions and we will take her" Lissa said. Dimitri shook his head

"You dont no Russia. You will get lost, i'll wait in the car while you go in and then i'll drive you back" I sighed

"Fine. Can we please just go?" I pleaded, Lissa nodded and we walked to the car. Dimitri explained to Tasha where he was going and we all got into the car: Me, Lissa, Adrian, Christian, Viktoria and Dimitri.

The whole car journey i felt sick, but luckily we didnt have to stop. When we got there Dimitri kept his word and waited in the car while the rest of us went in. I booked an emergency appointment and Lissa and Viktoria came in with me while the boys waited in the waiting room.

The nurse asked me questions and did some blood tests on me. She then came back in sith the results "Rose. What im going to tell you is what i normally tell girls your age alone, would you like to be alone aswell?" I looked over at Lissa and Vik and they stood up and walked to the door

"We will give you a minute" Lissa closed the door behind her and the nurse sat down in her chair.

"Rose, have you had sexual intercourse in the last 3 months?" I froze. Was she saying what i thought she was saying? And if she was, thats impossible, i had only ever been that close to Dimitri and everyone knows that dhampirs cant have kids together.

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