Chapter 13

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I had 3 days left at the academy and still hadn't decided where to go, my dad had said it would be too dangerous to live with him because of his job, my mum had said that i couldn't live with her because 1) she doesn't really have her own house, she lives with her charge 2) She isn't really talking to me, she is disapointed that i was stupid enough to get pregnant at 18, she's a hypocrite!

There was only really one other option but it would risk running into Dimitri alot more, the Belikovs house, Olena had said that if i ever needed a place to stay i was more than welcome to stay with her. But as i said, Dimitri would be there sometimes, he doesn't visit him family often, when i called Viktoria she said that he had agreed to go up on his days off, so probably once a month.

But that was once a month too many, he hadn't bothered to call me since i left, he didn't deserve to be in my baby's life if he didn't care about us.

I hadn't been going to any of my lessons because i didn't think there was any point if i was leaving, Lissa had returned and wouldn't leave me alone. When i firat told her that i had to leave she shouted and cried but she unqderstood why i chose my baby, we had the same beliefs.

Lissa had been spending all her time with me so she wouldn't miss me as much when i leave, of course she would still come and see me but she wouldn't see me for long periods of time before she graduates. After she graduares she had announced that she's basically gonna live with me so she can help me with the baby. Hopefully by then i will have my own apartment and a job so i can support my baby.

I started packing what few belongings i wanted to take which wasn't alot. They only filled 2 suitcases along with my clothes. I had spoke to Viktoria and she cleared the spair room for me to stay in, suprisigly she did this without Olena or anyone else knowing! Im actually excited to be moving to Russia, i got over the whole Dimitri situation, i figured i wasn't going to let him ruin mine or my childs life.

Me and Lissa are going to be spending the whole day together before i leave, i've already said goodbye to Christain, Eddie and Mia.

I got dressed and looked in the mirror to see if i looked okay, ever since i found out i was pregnant i have been terrified to look in the mirror, if i see my baby bump everything becomes real, i didn't think i was ready for that yet. But now i am.

I lifted up my shirt and turned to the side, i couldnt see a huge difference. At the moment is not that big but I didn't no what I was going to do when it started to show, I'd have to get bigger clothes.

To me my bump was amazing, i put my hand over it and smiled. My baby was in there! I put my shirt down and waited for Lissa to knock at the door, which she did a few minutes later.

"Hey Lis!" I said with a smile "Where are we going today?" I asked. Lussa returbed my smile byt also hugged me

"Hi. I thought we could go to the cafe for abit and then just hang out like we used to" That actually sounded amazig, i cabt remember the last time me and Lissa spent a day together where we did nothing!

"Cool. Sounds good, wanna go then?" Lissa nodded and linked our arms together

"Yep. Lets go!"


Sorry its short but i thought i would make Rose and Lissa's last day together long.

Im struggling to think of baby names for Rose's baby, could you message me what you think he/she should be called. Also if you would like to, can yiu help me plan out what happened next? If i use any of your ideas (Even baby names) i'll dedicate the chapter to you!

Elle xox

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