Chapter 15

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Me and Dimitri spent the rest of the day in bed, nobody bothered us until we came down for dinner where we got some funny stares. We just ignored them and sat down next to each other, with our fingers entwined.

Once we finished our food we returned to my room where we lay on the bed. It was like my body ached for Dimitri, once i was next to him it was like my body was reformed. Even the baby moved more when we were next to him.

I fell asleep shortly after and was welcomed into a spirit dream.

I walked around the tall building of St Vadimirs Academy looking for Adrian, so i was suprised when Lissa jumped out from behind the wall.

I screamed and threw my arms around Lissa "Hey, how are you in my dreams?" She smirked

"Adrian taught me how to dream walk so i could visit you!" She looked down at my stomach "Wow the baby has grown!" I smiled

"Yeah Andrei is getting big!" She gasped

"Your having a boy?" I rubbed my stomach "Isn't it too early to no?"

"Dimitri's grandmother has a vision about him, i told her not to tell me but she told Viktoria and she let it slip accidently!" Lissa laughed

"How are you and him?" I smiled

"I think we are back together!" Her eyes widened

"How?" I laughed slughtly

"Well he had to drive me to the hosptial because i had a baby scare..." Lissa cut me off before i coupd finish

"WHAT!?" She shouted. I shook my head

"I'll tell you later but Andrei is fine!".

"Okay" I carried on my speach.

"Anyway... Dimitri drove me there and we was fine. I started to talk to him about the baby and convinced him the baby was his. We talked for a bit and had an argument. The next day when i had morning sickeness he come into the bathroom and sat with me until i was finished, we ended up going downstairs. He started making a joke about how i needed to be assisted everywhere then picked me uo and kissed me. I kissed him back and we fell asleep on the couch. Lissa arhed and smiled

"Are you back together?" I shrugged my shoulders

"I dunno. Lets just say we are asleep in the same bed right now!" She smiled

"So yeah?" I nodded "So what happened to Andrei?" I nodded and started talking again

"When i had morning sickeness there was a little blood in the aick so i went to the hospital!" She gasped

"Is everything okay?" I nodded

"The doctor said yes!" She sighed


Me and Lissa spent the most of the night talking, because she was on a different scheldule she spent most of her day talking to me so she wasn't awake all day.

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