Chapter 1

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When i finally woke up we had arrived outside the Belikova house, the man helped me gwt my bag from out of the boot and i wanderd up to the door.

I waited for a few minutes before i knocked, this was a big deal for me, i was terrified. There was a big possibility that Olena wont believe me about the baby being Dimitri's, im still not sure if Viktoria believes me. I dont blame them, it should be impossible, it has never happened before.

After i though of all the possible outcomes of the conversation about to come, i slowly knoxked on the door

knock, knock, knock....

For what felt a lifetime i stood on the other side of the door, i thought no one was going to answer, maybe thy went out? They wasn't expecting me today so they might have gone shopping or something. Mt dad had give me some money so i could start off, i would probably have enough for a hotel for the rest of the month, and also buy food, and have enough money left over for the baby.

I started to turn around and walk back to the car but i heard the door open. I turned bck ariund to face the women at the door but was interupted by a suprise hug by the last Belikova i would have expected this from. Yeva!

For the firat time since i met her she actually stated a proper conversation in English with me "Roza? What are you doing here?" I smiled at her once she released me

"Im sure you know Yeva!" She smiled sadly at me

"Is it true...?" She pointed down to my stomach

Yes" I nodded and lifted up my shirt slightly so she could see my

tiny baby bump.

Yeva stared in awe at my bump before inviting me inside. Everyone else was pottering around the house so Yeva called them into the family room. Viktoria was the first inside and quietly screamed when she saw me

"Rose?" She asked as she hugged me "You said you wasn't going to visit until 6 months?" Olena, Sonya, Karolina and Paul where the next to come im.

"My plans have changed, i'll tell you in a minute" Vikoria nodded and stepped back, al lowing the rest of the family to say hello. Paul ran forward and threw his arms around me, eventhouh he was only 10 he still almost towered over me!

"Aunty Roza!" I smiled and returned his hug "Why did you leave?" Karolina stepped forward

"Paul" She warned.

"Its fine Karolina, Dont worry. Paul i had to leave to save Uncle Dimka" Paul smiled

"Thankyou for that!" I smiled and Paul walked over to Viktoria. Olena was the next to give me a hug

"Rose! What a lovely suprise!" I liked being around the Belikova's i felt like i belonged here. Eventhough people call this comunity bloodwhores, not all of them are. Definatley not the Belikova's.

"I need to speak to you guys, Viktoria and Yeva already no but i want to tell you all." Olena looked worried

"Are you okay?" I bit my lip

"Yes and No!" I guided the family to the livingroom and took a seat at the closest chair followed by the rest of the family.

"You all no that me and Dimitri used to be together?" They all nodded "Well the night of the attack we spent the night in the cabin together. Then he was turned. While in Baia i hunted him down and staked him which was unsucsessful, as you know. After that i returned to the acadeny believing he was dead, but i got a note from him with my stake, telling me he was going to kill me. Lissa and Christian were taken hostage and Lissa charmed the stake to revive him, which was sucsessful!" Karolina cut me off

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