Chapter 17

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I was now 8 months pregnant, Dimitri had kept his promise and stood by my side throughout the pregnancy. We are currently looking for a house near the Belikova's house so Andrei will have full axcess to his Russian relatives.

We haven't found one that we like yet but we are still looking, Olena has said that there is no need to move out because there is plenty of room for the baby. If me and Dimitri move into one room Andrei can have the other. But me and Dimitri have decided to move so we can have some privacy and start our own family, he is still trying to convince me to have another child after we get settled but i want to no if Andrei is okay first. You never no what Andrei will turn out like, when we went to a moroi doctors a few weeks ago they told us that because he is full dhampir there could be some complications with his health.

"Roza, you need to sort out a hospitap bag, you never no when you might go into labour" Dimitri said as we lay in bed

"I will do it today, but stop worrying, im only 8 months" I replied. Dimitri sighed and kissed my forehead before he stood up

"Karolina said that when she was pregnant wih Paul and she went into labour when she was 8 months" I rolled my eyes

"Well i dont think im going to be like Karolina" I sighed. I wish i would go into labour, i feel like im going to pop. I feel as big as a whale, Dimitri always tells me how beautiful i look but i know he only sees the good of pregnancy, not the bad! Like the swolen feet or the aching back.

Once Dimitri was out of the room i uncovered myself from the sheets and got up, i tied a rope around myself and walked to the bathroom. I turned the handle but it didnt open

"Whos in there?" I asked.

"Im just in the shower" Shouted Viktoria "Ill be two minutes" I huffed and walked back to the bedroom. I callapsed on the bed and pulled the covers over me, might as well get comfy!

Before i knew it Viktoria walked jn with a towel wrapped around her "The shower is ready, sorry i was so long. I got carried away!" I smiled and sjook my head

"Its fine, it just means i could go back to sleep for a little while!" Viktoria chuckled and walked out of my room. I got out of bed and walked to the bathroom where i got into the shower.

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