Chapter 3

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When I woke up I went straight downstairs to get a drink, I must of been really quiet because Olena and Sonya were in the kitchen talking, I froze when I heard my name and started to listen to her conversation

"Rose is pregnant, she cant handle the stress that he will cause" I heard Olena sigh

"If she is going to be living here then she needs to get used to him coming, he comes every month, ages going to see him at least 5 times in her pregnancy" It then hit me who they were talking about, Dimitri was due to come.

"Mama, Rose is pregnant seeing him could put stress on the baby. Do you really want her to have a miscarriage, its a possibility?" That was mean of Sonya for making her mother feel guilty, but I knew for a fact that it was true. Stress was extremely bad for a baby.

"Sonya, what do you expect me to do, tell him not to come? You no as well as I do that I won't be able to do that" I cleared my throat and walked into the kitchen

"Guys stop worrying, ill be fine seeing him, its going to happen sooner or later. Why not sooner rather than when I'm a couple of months from labour, that's when i really need to avoid stress" Olena and Sonya stared at me

"You heard all of that?" I shook my head

"Only the last bit, when is he coming? Anyway Sonya, where's Dima, I wanna hold her!"

Sonya smiled

"In 2 days" Said Olena. Sonya changed the subject

"Vik has got her, you can ty and get her if you want but I doubt you will be sucsessful" I smiled

"I'll play the 'but I'm pregnant' card, then she wont say no" Sonya and Olena laughed and I walked into livingroom, momenterily forgetting my drink.

As Sonya had said, Viktoria was sat on the both with a sleeping Dima in her arms "Hey Vik, my turn" I held out my arms but Vik didn't budge " Come on Vik I need all the practice I can get, mines gonna be here soon" Viktoria sighed and handed her over "I.knew that would work!" I chuckled. Viktoria growled quietly and walked into the kithen where I heard Sonya and Olena laugh because it had worked.

I sat down on the couch with Dima so I wouldn't drop her. Foe the first time since I found out I was pregnant, I was actually excited that I was going ti have a baby. Here in Baia, I could raise my baby properly and not have to worry about guarding a moroi. I looked down at Dkma and smiled, eventhough she was a baby and a girl, I could still see some similarities between her and Dimitri. If my baby looks anyhink like him, they will be lucky!

After about half an hour of boldly her she started to stir. She opened her des and started crying, I tried my best to sooh her but she wouldn't stop crying. Sonya came in and handed me a bottle "do you wanna feed her?" I nodded my head and put the bottle in Dima's mouth. She was instantly satisfied and returned to being the cute, quiet baby she was a few minutes ago.

Later that morning, I gave Sonya her baby back and went back upstairs to get dressed. I had a shower and dried my hair, i got out ny clothes and put them on. I wore black leggings and a sky blue flow top that was flattering to my growing baby bump.

Karolina had agreed to take me shopping with Viktoria to get some baby things, I was taking Karolina because she had been through this herself twice and knew all the best places to go. And obviously when we said shopping Viktoria was the first to volenteer.

I brushed my hair and put my shoes on, Karo and Vik were waiting for me downstairs by the door. I walked downstairs and started to walk to the door "Finally" Said Viktoria. I chuckled and ignored her, Karolina had ordered a cab to take us to the mall and it was waiting outside.

We got into the cab and he started driving, half an hour later and we were there. Karo paid the man and he pulled away.

"Where to first?" I asked. Karolina smiled

"There's a maternity shop down the road, we can go here first then have a look around" I nodded and we walked in the direction Karolina had told us.

The mall was full of humans, the Belikova's lived on a human scheldule so they was basically humans, they rarely had contact with any 'vampires'.

When we got into the shop Karolina pulled me into the direction of all the clothes. To be honest they were actually pretty nice, I always thought they would be frilly and girly but I found a few I liked. Luckily Karolina had been prepared and had picked up a trolley from the entrance. Viktoria got bored and started wondering around, she would return every so often so show me baby clothes that she though was 'cute' or 'adorable' I noticed that she had picked up a lot of blue things but I didn't want to believe Yeva had told her the sex of he baby withought my permission. But knowing Yeva she probably did!

On the last time that she came back I decided to ask her "Vik? Why are they all blue, or boyish? Did Yeva tell you the sex?" She bit her lip and looked over at Karolina for help "She told you as well?" Karolina nodded

"Yeah she told us yesterday, we promised her we wouldn't tell you, but I guess Viktoria is too stupid" she shook her head and looked over to Viktoria "Its a bot obvious when you are only choosing boy clothes" I could tell thy were about to start bickering so I stopped Viktoria from retaliating.

"Its fine don't worry. So I'm really having a boy?" I put my hand on my stomach and felt like crying, a boy was what Dimitri wanted!

Viktoria walked off again while me and Karolina looked at strollers. Karolina called the shop assistant over so he could help us "Hi my name is Gary, how can I help you?" Karolina pointed at the stroller on the very top shelf

"Could we have a look at that one please?" He nodded and walked over to the ladder. "That's the one I had when I first had Paul, there good for new borns because they are really safe" I nodded and turned back to Gary who was holding a smallish blue buggy.

He opened the packaging and set up he stroller. I nodded my head at Karolina "Yeah. I'll take it" Gary smiled and put it back in the packaging

"I will put it by the till so you don't have to carry it around" I nodded


When we had finished in the shop we tried to find Viktoria after ten minutes of searching the whole shop we found her by the changing rooms, she was wit a pregnant girl who was around my age. Viktoria smiled when she saw us and called us over.

"Rose, this is Sophia. My friend from school, shes around you age" I shook her hand and smiled

"How many weeks are you?" I Asked.

"14, what about you?"I looked down at her stomach, she was 14 weeks aswell and was huge compared to me, you could only just see my bump through my clouds. Her's shook out a lot.

"14" I said. She smiled

"It as nice talking to you but I really have to go. Maybe I will see you in hospital" I tried my best to smile but I was too worried. Was my baby too small for its age, or was hers just bigger than normal.

Viktoria and Karolina stated walking to the exit and I followed them "would it be okay, if we went back now. I'm quite tired. Or if it want I will get a cab and you can stay her?" Viktoria shook her head

"No its fine, come on. We can go and unpack anyway." We all had our hands full with baby things so i don't how we was going to carry anything else anyway.

Karolina called the cab again and we got inside after we put the bags in the boot.

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