Chapter 7

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When I woke up my head was resting on Paul's shoulder and he was asleep. I gently moved away from him and stood up without waking him. I looked around for my baby pictures but couldn't find them.

I walked into the kitchen to ask Olena where they were. Olena and Dimitri were stood by the table having a conversation, Dimitri had heard me come in and stopped talking.

''Do you know where my pictures are?'' I asked them both. Dimitri nodded

''I put them by the Tv so they wouldn't get lost'' I nodded and walked out of the room, they carried in there conversation when I was out of the room, I couldn't hear what they were saying, just the low hum of there voices.

I walked over to the Tv and picked up the envolope, i took my photo out and looked at it. It was weird to think that in a few months he will he in my arms. My baby Andrei will be looking up at me. His beautiful brown eyes taking in his mothers features. I smiled at the thought and kissed the picture. Not even born yet and has me wrapped around his little finger.

I gently rub the bottom of my belly in hope that he will kick, but even I know he isn't old enough for that yet. I guess I shouldn't be wishing for the kicks to come, most mother's say they are the worst part, you cant sleep and sometimes they get your bladder!

Paul stirred next to me and he opened his eyes ''hey aunty Roza'' I smiled

''And you thought I was the tired one!" Paul shook his head

''You were tired'' I nodded

''But so were you'' he shrugged his shoulders

''Yeah, I was. I was up at seven o'clock in the morning'' I bit my lip

''Sorry'' he shook his head

''Don't worry about it'' Paul turned on the Tv and started watching it

''I cant believe you understand it!" He laughed

''I think your forgetting Russian

is my first language'' I nodded

''I think your right'' he laughed and his eyes went back to the people on the Tv.

I tried my best to understand but it hurt my brain by trying to hard, I got a headache at least three times.

After ten minutes Dimitri came into the livingroom and sat down ''Roza, do you understand this?'' I scoffed

''Hell no'' Dimitri chuckled and crossed his arms over his chest, he relaxed next to Paul and watched the Tv.

I got bored and stood up, I walked to the stairs before they noticed I had left

''Roza, where are you going?'' Asked Dimitri.

''I bought lots of baby things yesterday so I might aswell go through them all and put them away'' Dimitri's eyes lit up and I could tell he wanted to come ''come if you want I'll show you what I got?'' He nodded and followed me upstairs.

I opened my door and got out the nine shopping bags and stroller from the wardrobe. I put them on the floor and sat down, Dimitri sat down opposite me

''You got a lot of stuff'' he said as he stared at the bags

''I'm having a baby, I'm exited. Plus Vik kept picking up baby grows and telling me I need them!" He laughed

''How do you know that you having a boy?'' I smiled

''Yeva saw in a dream, but she promised me she wouldn't tell me because I wanted it to be a surprise. Instead she told everyone else and I found out!" He chuckled

''Let me guess, Viktoria let it get out?'' I nodded

''Yeah but it was okay, I'm actually happy I know, that way I can prepare myself for when Andrei comes'' Dimitri smiled

''I like the name.'' I nodded

''Yeah and me. Its lissa's brothers name but spelt in Russian. And his name means Warrior'' He looked down at my stomach and smiled.

''Dimitri?'' I asked softly

''Yeah, Roza?'' I bit my lip unsure of how this would turn out.

''Do you believe me?'' He looked me in the eye and was silent for a minute. I held his gaze but I could tell he wasn't truly looking at me.

''Yes.'' I sighed in relief

''Really?'' I asked, close to tears. He stood up and moved closer to me, he sat next to me and pulled me into a hug. I rested my head on his chest and he whispered in my ear

'We are having a son!" I smiled and relaxed in his arms.

After a few minutes he pulled away and kissed my forehead, then we got back to putting the clothes away. I cleared a draw in my wardrobe for his baby grows and we folded them neatly.

After we had finished putting the clothes away I closed my wardrobe door and stuck the scan picture on the door. I stared at it for a minute and then rubbed my stomach, with a huge smile on my face. Dimitri walked over to my side and looked down at my small bump

''May I?'' He asked, I nodded my head and he lifted my shirt slightly so he could see it. He stared at it for a second before putting a warm gentle hand over it. I couldn't help but notice the tears that were forming in his eyes. Maybe Dimitri was going to be a good dad.

I heard a knock at the door downstairs and me and Dimitri went to see who it was.

when we got to the stairs we heard Olena shouting at somebody

"He doesn't want you here?" She shouted. Dimitri froze half way down the stairs because we both recongnised who was at the door. Tasha.

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