Chapter 8

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I couldn't speak, too many thoughts were going through my head "Rose? Have you had sexual intercourse with anyone in the last 3 months?" I snapped out of my daze and started crying

"Yes" I whispered "Are you saying what i think your saying?" She smiled

"Rose, your pregnant'' I stood up from the chair and ran out the room crying. I passed the gang on my way out but i didn't stop i just carried on running until i got to the carpark. I walked through it and into the trees that surrounded the carpark, once i was deep enough into the trees, i let out a scream that desperatley needed to come out. I sank to the floor and cried until someone stepped behind me, braking a twig as they walked.

"Go away!" I yelled "i just want to be alone" I carried on crying.

"Roza, whats wrong?" I froze at my old nickname. I hadn't expected Dimitri to follow me, i had expected Lissa or Adrian. I didn't even know Dimitri saw me go into the trees "What did they tell you?" I wiped my eyes and stood up, i refused to look him in the eye, he would see straight through my mask.

"Just take me back to Tasha's house. The nurse said that i need to rest....I've just poisoning" I knew he wouldn't believe that lie, he knew me too well! As i turned around to face him he shook his head

"Then why did you cry and scream?" He asked.

"I was just upset, thats all" He shook his head again but didn't pry

"Come on, we will go and get Lissa and the rest of your friends and go back" I nodded my head and walked infront of Dimitri. Who would have thought that i was carrying his baby!

How was my life going to turn out, i hadn't let the nurse explain about my pregnancy, i had ran out too quick. I had no idea how far along i was but i guess my baby was conceived in the cabin so that was about 12 weeks ago. I had been pregnant for 3 months and had no idea!

How was Dimitri going to react to this news? Should i even tell him? So many questions were going through my head, i had no idea what to do. I had to tell someone about my baby and maybe they can help me decide what to do. I should tell Lissa, shes been there for me since day 1, im sure she will be glad that shes going to be an aunty!

Luckily me and Dimitri walked back to the car in silence and he didn't even ask why i was crying again, im glad he didn't. What would i say? Im crying because i've just found out im pregnant with your miracle child!

He opened the car door and i got in while he went to tell Lissa where i was. I waited in the car for them to return which felt like ages, i just wanted to curl up in a ball and cry myself to sleep.

I pulled my legs up to my chest and wrapped my arms around my knees, burrying my head so i could in cry in peace.

I heard them coming back before i saw them, i could hear Lissa asking where i was and what was wrong with me.

"She ran out into the woods and started crying, she wouldn't tell me what was wrong" He said. Viktoria snorted

"I wonder why?" She said sarcastically. Dimitri growled

"Vik, stop getting involved, this is none of your buisness" He snapped.

"Dimka, what you did to Roza was horrible, she's broken. She told me what happened and it was even worse than what Yeva told us" I got out of the car before anything else was said.

"Viktoria i appreciate your support, but im fine. Im not broken i was just upset. Im fine now" Everyone stared at me

"Then what did the doctor say?" Lissa asked. I shook my head

"Come with me a second" I whispered. Dimitri caught what i said and frowned

"I thought you had food poisening?" I frowned back at him.

"I was just going to tell her something that the doctor said. I need someone to stay wih me until i get better so she can tell the doctor when i have my next appointment....wait why am i telling you, Lissa just follow me"

Lissa and me waljed over he other side of the carpark "So tell me...what is really wrong?" I frowned

"The doctor told me im pregnant!" Lissa screamed and hugged me

"OMG thats amazing, im gonna be an aunt, Christian is going to be an uncle and Adrian is going to be a dad-"I shook my head and cut her off

"Adrians not he dad, i've only slept with one person and its not him" Lissa gasped and looked over to where Dimitri was stood

"Im gonna kill him" She stormed over to him and i ran after her shouting her name but she didn't listen. She charged up to Dimitri and he turned around to face her

"Vasilisa whats wrong?" She shook her head and slapped him

"Your stupid, you left Rose when she is going to need you most, you got Rose-" I cut her off before she told him

"Lissa!" I screamed. She turned around and frowned

"He's gonna find out soon, obviously!" I glared at Lissa

"He has no right to no Lissa. I'll tell him when im ready" Dimitri cut into the argument

"Tell me what? I do have a right to know" I turned to Lissa and i knew she was going to tell him, i also knew that she was surrounded by darkness. That was making her the way she is.

"Rose is pregnant!" She shouted. I felt like punching her in the face. Everyone stared at me until someone broke the silence

"Why did Belikov have the right to no?" Asked Adrian. I looked to the floor and whispered

"Because the baby is his" Dimitri gasped


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