Chapter 2

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I was rudeley awakened by a loud banging on the door "Rose!" Yelled Lissa "Its been a week, please come out. You need to tell me why it affected you so much that he is leaving, i know you loved him but i didn't realise you loved him that much" I put my robe on and walked over to the door

"Lissa i want to be alone please. I dont have the energy to explain so please just let me go back to sleep" I pleaded. I heard some shuffling on the otherside of the door

"Fine. But let me in and ill make breakast" I was about to object when she cut me off "I have chocolate dougnuts!" i opened the door and let her in. Even in my worst state I couldn't resist them, and she knew it. She gave me a big hug and a chocolate dougnut before i went back to bed.

I callapsed back on the bed, even though it had only been a week since he had left, it felt like just seconds ago he shattered my heart.

I couldn't beleive he was leaving me for Tasha Ozera, he told me that she had a massive crush on him but he couldnt return the feelings because of me, i guess he really has lost his feelings for me. I guess the next time i see them little Tasha and Dimitri Ozeras will be running around, reminding me of all i could not give him!

I guess it was for the best that he said what he did, it meant i could move on and fully commit myself to Adrian. When i went to Russia i had promised Adrian that once i return i would give him a fair shot, but when i got back i was shortly followed by Dimitri!

I fell asleep within seconds of my head being on the pillow, my sleep was peaceful and dreamless, thankgod. I couldn't deal with Adrian right now, he would ask too many question with answers i could not give!

Eventhough i was asleep i still had full control, i could hear lissa banging in the kitchen making breakfast. I could still feel all the pain.

Not even sleep could keep the nightmares away.

Once i woke up i went into the livingroom where Lissa was watching tv. "Hey Rose" Lissa said softly "Are you okay? I was you want to go shopping to take your mind off it for a while, i'll go into my trust funds?" I shook my head

"I couldn't ask you to do that" I tried my best to smile "But if you insist i'll escort you there and back?" Lissa nodded

"Okay. But Dimitri will be coming aswell, he is being given a trial run. I got to chose the time and place when he guards me" I shook my head

"In that case, take Eddie. He needs all the practice he can get. I'll stay here and get some rest" Lissa frowned. Through the bond i could tell that Lissa was unhappy but didn't want to pry

"Okay. I need to go then, we leave in half an hour and i still need to get dressed" I put my best smile on my face and Lissa left

"Oh. By the way, the dougnuts are in the kitchen" I nodded and closed the door. I went straight to the kitchen and got two dougnuts out and ate them in record time.

I got into the shower and had a nice hot shower, the feel of the water trickling down my back was refreshing, it reminded me that i had to do the right thing on Adrian's behalf. I had to end it. I couldn't keep lying to him, i didn't love him the way he loved me, i thought of him as a brother like Eddie or Christian.

Once i got out of the shower i got dressed and ready to go out. Today was the day i break Adrian's heart.

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