Chapter 19

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I clutched Dimitri's hand as the nurse bought over our new baby boy, she placed him in my arms and i smiled "Hello Andrei Mason Belikov!" My little bundle of joy stared up at me and Dimitri "We are your parents" I told him "and we are going to love and protect you for as long as we shall live" Dimitri leaned down and kissed my cheek

"He's beautiful!" I smiled and looked up to Dimitri

"He is our beautiful baby boy!" Dimitri smiled.

"Do you want me to tell the others that they can come in and see him now?" I nodded and Dimitri walked out of the room.

A few minutes later he returned with everyone following him, i placed Andrei in his arms and was taken back by the sight infront of me, my two favourite boys in the world together in one

Olena was the first to congratulate me, she kissed my cheek and told me he was gorgeous. Dimitri handed him over to her and she stared down at him in awe. A few minutes later the rest of the Belikovs wanted to hold him, he was passed around by everyone until he finally returned to my arms. I never wanted to let him go, i was scared that if i didnt have him in my arms he would vanish, i would wake up from this amazing dream!

Dimitri asked everyone if we could have an hour on our own so we could bond with our new child, they all left us for a while and told us they would wait in the cafe. Once we were alone Dimitri sat down next to me and carefully put his arms around me and Andrei

"My family" He whispered. I smiled and rested my head on his chest. I had finally got my own family with the man of my dreams.

Me and Dimitri spent the rest of the hour curled up on the bed together with Andrei in our arms, the nurse came in to tell me i could take him home in 2 days and then she left. I hated the idea of being on bedrest for 2 days but i could kind of understand why i had to stay.

Dimitri walked down to the cafe to get me some food and to also tell his family that if they wanted to come in they could.

We spent the rest of the day in my room with his family, Lissa would be joining us tomorrow and i couldnt wait for her to meet her new nephew! I knew what his life was going to be like with her in it, he was going to be spoilt rotten, she will buy him all the most expensive gifts and toys that he can play with and then when he gets older he will have the latest gadgets and stuff like that. He is going to be the most loved child on the universe!

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