Chapter 10

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We stayed outside until it was almost dark, i pushed Zoya a couple of times on the swing and had a laugh. After a while Olena called us into the house. Once Zoya found out that she had to go inside she burst out crying, i picked her up out of the swing and carried her inside.

"Zoya, stop crying. We can play tomorrow, its getting late and nanny wants us to come inside" She rested her head on my shoulder and she slowly started to stop crying, by the time i got into the house she was fast asleep.

Karolina chuckled when she saw her daughter asleep in my arms "That must have worn her out!" I laughed but tried not to move

"Yeah i think it did" I whispered. Karolina asked if i wanted her to take Zoya but i shook my head and walked into the living room. I sat on the couch with Zoya still in my arms and turned on the Tv, even though i didn't understand it, didn't mean i couldn't still watch it!

Surprisingly Dimitri didn't bother me until later that night, he kept his distance and left me alone. I spent the rest of the night curled up on the couch until Zoya woke up when dinner was ready.

As per usual everyone stared at me as i ate, except Dimitri, he knew my eating habits.

"In surprised every time i see you eat. You have a big appetite but still stay skinny!" Said Sonya. I smiled and sooner more food into my mouth

"I'm eating for two remember!" For the first time since i told him i still loved him, Dimitri spoke to me

"And what about before the baby?" He raised an eyebrow, which annoyed me. I still couldn't do that!

"I was hungry!" I smirked. A small smile pulled at Dimitri's lips but he tried to hide it by eating!

After diner everybody parted except me and Olena, we stayed in the kitchen to clean up. She tried to tell me that she didn't need any help but i insisted. I cleaned up the table and dried the dishes for her, then went to sit back on the couch. Paul and Sonya were sat on the couch so i sat next to them.

"Aunty Roza, are you tired?" I frowned because i was confused

"Yeah. How did you know?" I asked. He laughed and touched under my eyes

"You have massive bags under your eyes!" I chucked and wiped my eyes

"That's because I'm really tired" Paul rested his head on my shoulder and carried on watching tv. Karolina watched us with a smile on her face, I gave her a confused look and she explained herself.

"Your going to be a great mom. the way you are with mine and Sonya's kids is amazing, they love you. It didn't take long for Paul to start calling you his aunty" I smiled

"I just hope I'm okay with my own child. I'm already freaking out and he's not out test, what if he hates me and disagrees with all my decisions?" Karolina shook her head

"Your writing about nothing, I thought the same but once they're here it goes away, then is replaced with love and pride. You and Dimka will be great parents even if your not together." I nodded and started stroking Paul's head.

"Another thing that worries me is what is going to happen after I have the baby, I'm an unpromised guardian." Karolina frowned slightly

"You might be unpromised but you have a good reputation. When you was just seventeen you had already killed two strigoi. Any moroi would be lucky to get you" I smiled.

"But it would never be official." I shook my head and continued to watch the tv, I didn't want to discuss this anymore, it was just reminding me of everything I have sacrificed.

By the time it was ten o'clock everyone was going to sleep, even though I wasn't tired I went to bed anyway. I didn't want to keep everyone up with the tv so I went straight to sleep. Our at least tried.

It didn't look like I was going to get much sleep tonight, I felt queazy and couldn't get comfortable. I noticed my baby bump had grown a little bit since the last time I looked, not dramatically but it had grown a bit. That's one of the reasons I couldn't get comfy, if I lay on my stomach like I used to before I was pregnant, I couldn't risk hurting the baby.

So I lay on my back and stared at the ceiling, wishing I could be bothered to go and get a drink. To be honest I didn't really need a drink it just signed like something to do. I tiptoed out of bed and walked downstairs, I poured myself some water and carried out upstairs.

To my surprise when I got upstairs Zoya was stood by my door crying quietly. I put the water in one hand and picked her up "What's wrong hunny?" She wiped her eyes with the back of her hands and tried talking, even though Zoya was only 2 and half she could still manage to say sentences.

"I had a nightmare" She cried "Didn't want to wake anyone because there sleeping. But I heard you get up." I kissed Zoya's forehead and started walking back to her room

"Its okay, sweetie. It was only a dream" Zoya clung to my chest

"Can I sleep with you aunty Roza?" I smiled and walked into my room

"Of course" I lay Zoya on my bed and tucked get into the covers. I then got into bed beside her and put the covers over me. Zoya went straight to sleep but not before moving closer to me and wrapping her tiny and around my tummy, I smiled and kissed her forehead again.

Luckily this time, I was welcomed into a nice peaceful sleep!


I know Zoya wouldn't be 2 and a half, but in my story she needs to be talking for this chapter.

Elle xox

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