Chapter 16

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When i woke up it was to Dimitri gently shaking my shoulders "Roza" He whispered "Roza?" I opened my eyes and sat up slowly

"Yeah?" He smiled lightly

"It's late. If you sleep any longer you will miss the day!" I gasped

"I didn't get morning sickness today!" He chuckled

"No. Not today!" I sighed

"Not yet. Knowing my luck i will get it in a bit" Dimitri kissed my forehead

"I'll be there for you dont worry" I kissed his cheek and made my way out of bed, as much as i wanted to, we couldn't stay in bed all day. I threw on some clothes and walked into the bathroom so i could have a shower.

Minutes later there was a gentle tap on my door "Roza" Called Olena "Do you want breakfast?" I put a towel around my body and opened the door

"Please" She smiled and nodded

"Of course, i should have guessed" I laughed and she walked away, i closed the door and returned to the shower so i could wash my hair.

Once i was finished i threw a towel around my head and body, i walked into my room and got out some clothes. I put them on before i dried my hair and then i sat down next to the mirror. Even when sat down, i could see my newly growing baby bump, it had definatley grown alot since i had been to the doctors. It definatley wadn't as big as Viktoria's friend's but it was near. I needed to atop panicking, if something was wrong Yeva would have seen it and told me.

While doing my hair Dimitri entered with a tray full of food "Mama told me to bring you this" He smiled down at the food, then placed it on thw floor next to me while planting a kiss on my cheek.

"Thankyou" I smiled and picked up a piece of bread. Dimitri did the same and sat down next me.

I finished blow drying my hair and me and Dimitri walked hand in hand downstairs.

Hopfully this would be my life for the rest of my pregnancy. Stress free.


Sorry its so short but im going to start a new book. Probably wont update as often but dont worry the books arent finished.

Elle xox

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