Chapter 9

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Everyone carried on staring, Dimitri just stood there frozen in his spot "Can someone please say something, please?" I begged. The silence was killing me

"Come on, we need to get back to Tasha's" Said Christian just before he got in the car. I followed him into the backseat and Lissa sat next to me.

Once everyone was in the car we started our journey back to Tasha's, the whole car ride back was silent, everybody had too many thoughts in there head. I could tell that Adrian was annoyed because he wouldn't talk to me.

When we all got back, i quickly ran into my room which Tasha had made for me, i couldn't face all the questions. I lay on the bed and started crying.

About half an hour later there was a knock on the door "Go away Lissa, i dont want to talk now" They knocked again. I huffed and opened the door

"Your not Lissa" I said to Dimtri. He smiled a little and i opened the door wider

"Can i come in so we can talk about this?" I nodded my head and he walked in the room, i sat back down on my bed and he stood by the door

"What do you wanna know? I asked.

"Is it true?" I smiled

"No i made it up!" I said sarcastically.

"This is serious Rose" He said. I frowned

"I know, this is my future we are talking about, i have to raise this baby. Alone. So dont even bother lecturing me about it" He looked disapointed

"What makes you think i wont be there for you?" He asked quietly. I frowned again

"Because you have already left me once, im nice enough to forgive you but not stupid enough to trust you again!" He looked hurt "Dimitri you hurt me, i don't know if im ready to let you into my life 2 weeks after you broke my heart" Tears stung my eyes but i kept them where they were

"Okay. Rose just to let you no...I'm really sorry for what I said. It was harsh to put it that way" I nodded "I just thought you should no"

"Okay" Dimitri closed my door and i lay back on the bed.

I stood up from the bed and walked out of my room to speak to Adrian, i had to end it, i should have ended it the first time i thought it, the night Dimitri shattered my heart.

I walked down the hallway and knocked on Adrian's door "Adrian?" I asked "We need to talk, can i come in?" I heard some shuffling and then the door opened

"You have 5 minutes" I nodded and walked inside.

"Adrian, i know you probably hate me but im really sorry. I know i cant say anything that will make it right so im going to make it worse. Adrian while im carrying this baby i cant be with anyone romantically, im sorry" he smiled weakly

"Its okay, i understand" I could see that Adrian was trying to keep a straight face, but it wasn't working. I could see the tears formig in his eye, i might have been harsh but i didn't no how else to say it. I needed to do whats right by my baby! My baby? That sounds wierd!

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