Chapter 18

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The day was the same as every other day, pretty boring! Me and Dimitri sat on the couch together and watched tv, the only new thing that happened was that Andrei kicked when Dimitri placed his hand on my stomach. We had began to grow worried because Andrei hadnt kicked so when he did we both teared up, especially me so i blamed it on my hormones!

For the rest of the hour the family tried to see if Andrei would kick for them, but it seemed he was saving his energy for Dimitri and my bladder!

Much to Olenas disapointment he didnt kick for her either, but as soon as Dimitri put his hand on my stomach we both smiled. Olena sighed and returned to cleaning the kitchen

"At least you know he loves his daddy!" She said. Dimitri smiled

"Im flattered!" I smiled and leaned in to kiss him

"Just as much as i love him!" Dimitri closed the gap between us and kissed me, a couple of seconds later he pulled away because his mother was still in the room. He snaked his arm around my waist and rested his chin on my head, i sighed happily and enjoyed this perfect moment.

Unfortunately all good thigs come to an end, ours was no exeption. My hand immediately found its way to my stomach in hope it would make the pain go away, Dimitri sensed my unease as he asked me what was wrong

"I think...I think i just had a contaction!" His eyes lit up and he flew upstairs in strigoi speed, shouting to his mother to keep an eye on me while he got a bag ready. I sat down at the kitchen table for a second, my waters hadnt broke so i wasnt in labour properly yet.

20 minutes later i was hit by another contraction, this one was longer and almost had me in tears. Olena called up to Dimitri and he came down with a backpack and got the car keys "Come on Roza, your going to the hospital" I shook my head

"My waters havent even broke yet?" He shrugged his shoulders

"I dont care, its a half an hour drive to the hospital, if we dont leave now we wont get there in time for the baby" I nodded and made my way to the car while holding Dimitri's hand.

"I'll let your sisters no Dimitri, Rose shall i call Lissa?" I nodded my head

"Yes please, tell her ill call her when Andrei is here and she better get her arse to Russia!" She laughed and pulled out her phone.

Dimitri helped me into the car and then he ran to the drivers side. Watching Dimitri was quite fasinating it was like he was strigoi again, he was so fast! He pulled the seatbelt around me and then himself before pulling off.

As we drove down the road about 10 minutes away from the house another contraction came and i clutched my stomach and gritted my teeth. The pain was unbarable, nothing like i had ever experienced before. Dimitri chuckled

"And you said you wouldnt go into labour yet" I glared at Dimitri and he paled

"Really? Your girlfriend is about to go into labour and your making stupid comments?" He continued to watch the road

"I thought if i made you laugh it would take your mind off the-" He was cut off mid sentence as a quiet scream escaped my lips, Dimitri found my hand and gave me a gentle reasuring squeeze.

I looked down at the seat and panicked "Dimitri how far away are we? My waters just broke!" Dimitri looked over to the seat and gasped

"About 15 minutes" I shook my head

"Go quicker" He put his foot down a bit

"I cant go faster than the speed limit" I bit my lip and moved around in my seat

"Well your son has a different plan!" Dimitri went a tiny bit faster but he was too sensible to go over the speed limit.

After 15 painful minutes and 3 more contractions we made it to the hospital. I got out of the car while Dimitri got my bag, he put his arm around my waist to support me and we ran into the hospital.

Dimitri frantically called a nurse over and she placed me in a wheelchair and wheeled me into the delivery room, she told me my baby would come any minute.

Obbiously i cant write Rose giving birth because i have never had a child so i dont no what happenes! The next chapter wull be in someone elses POV or will be after she has given birth.

Elle xox

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