Chapter 6

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"Rose?" She asked. I didnt no what to say, me and Viktoria had left on a bad note, i couldn't tell from the tone of her voice if she was happy to see me or not.

Viktoria hadn't changed that much since i last saw her, i could definatley tell that she was more mature now, i guess if you lose your brother reality kind of hits you that there is actually a threat w there after us, thats what happened when Mason died.

Her hair had grown quite a bit in 2 months and she had grew the slightest bit taller.

"Hey Vik" She smiled and ran at me, her arms flung around me and i was engulfed into a welcomed hug. She held onto me for a couple of minutes before someone cleared they're throat

"Oh. Hi Tasha" She groaned. I could tell by the tone of her voice she didn't like Tasha, she didnt seem interested in her....Like her brother was. She turned back to face me "Im so sorry Rose. After you left mama interigated us all to find out the reason, i told her that we got into a fight. Im really sorry that you left because of it, Sonya told me who he was after you left and i cant thank you enough for what you did. Thinking about what could of happened makes me want to be sick." I smiled and nodded

"Its fine. Thats not the reason i left, i left so i could carry on my mission, i came to Russia to do something and i had to complete it" She nodded and gave me one last hug before she turned to her brother

"Dimka!" She said and ran at him like she did to me "Why didn't you tell me or mama that you was back. We had to find out from Tasha. Didn't you want your family knowing you were safe, that Rose had completed her goal" Dimitri shrugged

"Tasha said that she invited you all to the party, we was going to tell you then so it would be a suprise" Viktoria frowned

"Anyway me and you are going to have a chat in a bit" Viktoria tried to whisper but her voicd echoed around the car park "Yeva saw what you did and none of us are happy about it, mama raised you better than that. It was selfish and it hurt her. Im ashamed of you" Dimitri cowered under the gaze of his sister, i would have laughed if it wasn't a serious situation.

Viktoria walked back over to me and stood by my side "We have alot of cathing up to do." She said. She turned so she was facing Lissa and the rest of the gand "Im so sorry, how rude of me. Im Viktoria Belikova" She extended her hand and shook Christian and Adrian's. Lissa didn't settle for a handshake though, she pulled her into a hug

"You're the girl that looked after Rose, Thankyou" She smiled at Viktoria and she nodded. I guess she didnt no what to say back!

"So...Come on in everyone. I'll show you to your rooms and you can get settled for the party tomorrow"

We followed Tasha and Dimitri into the house and they showed us to our rooms. I was glad that i had my own room and didnt have to share with anyone. I put my bags on the floor and lay on the bed. Suprisingly i went straight to sleep.

My sleep was interupted multiple times by Viktoria and Lissa, they both wanted to hang out so eventually i agreed to staying in the house! Lissa and Viktoria already seemed to be good friends even though they had only met a few hours ago, I guess they were both very likable people.

"Rose, come on!" Shouted Viktoria "If you dont get out, i'll come and get you myself" I laughed and opened the door

"Like you could take me on" Viktoria smirked

"Try me, your forgetting that my brother taught you all of his moves, which he also taught me" I sighed

"I'd still win. I also have my awesome unheard of moves!" Me and Viktoria started laughing

"We should spare some time?" I nodded

"Yeah that would be good!"

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