Chapter 8

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Me and Dimitri stood at the top of the stairs where we could see them listening to the conversation "But Olena, I need to talk to him. He didn't let me explain yesterday" Olena shook her head

"Tasha I don't want you in my house, please could you leave" Tasha just stood there

"I need him in my life, Olena....I'm pregnant" Everything froze around me, I saw red. Spirit was getting to me again, I turned to face Dimitri and slapped him across the face

"you got her pregnant as well?" I shouted getting the attention of the whole house. I stormed downstairs and out of house, I needed some fresh air.

I walked down the road and noticed someone following me, I turned around and noticed Tasha with a smile on her face

"look who it is" I shook my head

"not now Tasha." She smirked

"Has the little bloodwhore gone to live with the other bloodwhores?" I gasped

"Do not call the belikova's bloodwhores, you know nothing about them" she smiled

"I might not no them but I know you, and you only like bloodwhores, like Vasilisa." I snapped, my hand went flying towards Tasha's face and she fell to the floor clutching her face.

I left her on the ground and went back to the Belikova's house, I stormed up to my room and locked the door.

I lay on my bed and looked at the picture, I figured that would calm me down. A few minutes later and there was a knock on my door

"Roza?" I stood up and walked up to the door, I opened it slightly and Dimitri stood in front of me. "let me explain?" I shook my head

"You wanna explain how you got me pregnant and then got Tasha pregnant as well?" Dimitri sighed

"You know me, Roza. I wouldn't do that to you, I wouldn't sleep with Tasha when I'm still in love with you." Tears fell from my eyes

"then how is she pregnant?" He shrugged his shoulders

"I don't no but it's not mine, she obviously cheated on me" I shook my head

''Why should I believe you?'' I asked. He raised his eyebrow

''Because I believe you. I trust that Andrei is mine, now its your turn to trust me'' I nodded my head

'You promise?'' He nodded his head and stepped forward

''Roza, you are the only girl I Want'' He put his hands on either side of my face ''Ever'' he leaned in so our faces were touching, we were seconds away from kissing but I pulled away.

"How do i know your not gonna hurt me again?" I whispered, he put his hand on my hip and looked me in the eye.

"Because i love you, i was stupid enough to leave you once, im not going to again" I smiled

"Dimitri, you told me you wouldn't leave before and then you broke my heart. I cant do that again" I was close to tears, i had to move before he saw me cry.

"I understand" He whispered. I pushed past him gently and went downstairs to make myself a drink.

I got downstairs and tears were falling down my face, i tried to avoid all the Belikov's but Yeva was in the kitchen as well.

"Oh sorry" I said "I didn't realise anyone was in here" She smiled gently as she noticed my tears. To my surprise she walked forward and wrapped me in a warm hug, where i cried into her shoulder as she stroked my hair.

"Its going to be okay. He loves you" she told me. I smiled and wiped my eyes

"I know but what he said was harsh, what if he does it again. If he does it again, it's not just me who gets hurt" I put my hand on my stomach "We both get hurt" She nodded

"I know, hunny. Do you really think Dimitri is going to leave his child? He loves you both, I can see it when he looks at you. His face lights up, he's in love" Did Dimitri really feel that way, did h love me like she said. Or was he just saying that because of Andrei?

"Yeva, I love him but I don't know if I can trust him. If I didn't have to worry about Andrei I would probably be back in his arms but I need to think about my future" Someone cleared there there throat behind us and we turned around.

Dimitri was stood by the door watching us, Yeva walked out of the room leaving me alone with him. He walked forward and sat at the table. I sat opposite him. It was time to talk like adults, not crazy love struck teenagers!

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