Chapter 10

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Once i got out of Adrian's room i went into the kitchen to make myself a hot chocolate before i went back to my room to watch TV. I entered the kitchen and put the kettle on and got a cup out.

I heard the door open and Tasha walked in "You just had to go and ruin it, didn't you bloodwhore?" I gasped.

"What? Who do you think your talking to?" Tasha smiled evily

"Im talking to you. I only just got my Dimka back and now your gonna try and take him again. I bet your making it up, everyone knows that dhampirs cant have kids together-" I shook my head

"Shut up Tasha"

"Im not finished yet. I bet you slept with Adrian and some other people, you just cant remember them. I bet the real father is a random moroi you slept with in Russia, thats the type of person you are, you sleep with anyone. Like every dhampir, a halfbreed slut! Mutt" I dont no why that hurt so much but i wanted to cry. I hated being called a bloodwhore, it wasn't who I was.

"Dont worry about me taking Dimitri, i dont think i can accept him back into my life, even though he is my babies father! And you dont have to worry about me because im leaving" I stormed out of the kitchem and into my room to start leave the day i got here!

I put all my things back into my suitcase and rang Abe to see if he could book me a last minute flight, and maybe pull some strings!

I took out my phone and dialed his number

"Hello?" I asked. "Abe?"

"Hey Kiz, whats wrong?" He responded

"I need a plane as soon as possible, i want to go back to the academy tonight" He sighed

"I'll see what i can do, i'll call in some favours and call you back"

"Okay" I put the phone down and sat on the bed. I needed to get away from here, being in the same house as Tasha is bad, especially when she annoyed me!


Sorry its short.

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