Chapter 3

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I walked out of my room and headed for the cafeteria. I got a few strange looks from the people in the hallways, this was the first time in a week that i had come out of my room. I wouldn't even come out when Kirova or Alberta were banging on my door demanding i get to class.

I shrugged off the looks and carried on walking, when i got to the cafeteria nobody was there so i checked the bond to see if Adrian had gone shopping. I sat down at a table and let myself be sucked into Lissa's mind.

Lissa was walking through a shop picking up random clothes in her size, Eddie and Dimitri were watching from far away and Christian and Adrian were sat on chairs waiting for her to finish looking around. I wanted Lissa's eyes to linger on Dimitri but he was just another guardian to her when they was out.

I left Lissa's head before i started crying from seeing Dimitri again. I decided to go back to my room until Lissa came back, i was still suprisingly tired even though i had just slept!

I got back into my room and curled up in a ball on the bed, even in the covers i was freezing, it was strange for me because i never get cold in my room normally the heating is blasted and im boiling!

After 10 minutes of getting cozy in the covers i fell to asleep and didnt wake up until Lissa returned. When i was sleeping i dreamt about the day Dimitri is going to leave. I dreamt that he said more hurtful things to me and just left without looking back, him and Tasha had children and got married, while i was like my mother. Alone.

I woke up in a pool of tears, i realised then why Dimitri had left me for Tasha... I wasn't good enough for him, i couldn't give him the family he had always wanted. I just wasn't simply good enough for him!

My thought were interupted by a knock at my door "Rose, open up!" Shouted Lissa. I sighed and sat up in my bed

"Its open" I replied "Just come in" I heard my door open and then 3 people walked in. Lissa, Adrian....and Dimitri. Through the bond i could tell Lissa knew this wass a bad idea but if he went back now he would be surrounded by guardians in his room. I understood why she didn't want that for him, even though he isn't my favourite person in the world, i wouldn't want that for him either.

"Lis, you know 'cause you love me? Turn my tv on please?" I tried to do my best angelic face but Lissa laughed and walked over to my tv

"So did you have a good shopping trip?" Adrian walked over from the door and jumped on my bed and lay down next to me. "Did you enjoy yourself aswell?" He laughed and shook his head

"It was sooo boring, never again!" Lissa glared at him

"Hey! You loved it really. I saw you looking at the women's clothes. Rose if i was you i would be worried" Lissa and Adrian started laughing but i couldn't laugh when Dimitri was stood by the door.

Lissa sensed something was wrong and put her serious face on again "So....I got you something so you can wear it tonight" Said Lissa. I frowned

"Whats tonight?" I asked. Adrian had an amused look on his face

"We are going to a party!" The frown on my face grew

"Adrian?" I warned

"Me and Lissa was invited to a Royal party, so i snuck your name on the guest list!" I gasped

"Yeah. You couldn't expect us to be there without you!" I shook my head

"Adrian's parents already hate me. Now im gonna be the only dhampir there and crash their party!" Lissa shook her head

"Dimitri is going aswell, so technically you wont be the only dhampir!" For the first time since he got here me and Dimitri locked gazes for a second but he quickly looked away.

"How did you manage that?" I asked.

"They want him to paroll, so he will gain the trust of more people" I nodded "And Adrians dad is sorting out the guest list so it was easy for him to make a few....adjustments!" Adrian and Lissa chuckled.

"We are going to the cafeteria. Wanna come?" Asked Adrian. I nodded

"Yeah but show me what you got first and i'll try it on to see if you got the right size!" Lissa reached into one of her bags and checked if it was mine. She handed me the bag and i had a look inside, she had bought me a red, long sleeved dress, the sleeves were lace which was beautiful! When i tried it on it came down to just above my knee, Lissa had also bought me some skin colour high heels and some jewelry

"Little Dhampir, you look amazing!" He reached over and kissed my cheek.

"I'll go and get out of the dress and i'll come to the cafeteria with you" I turned around and walked back into the bathroom, i locked glances with Dimitri again and i could have sworn i saw lust in his eyes! I shook it off and presumed i got it wrong, he was over me remember!

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