Chapter 11

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When I woke up in the morning it was quite really, around 8ish, I wrote up because I could hear Karolina panicking. She didn't know Zoya was in with me so she probably thought she was lost. I got up out of bed and walked to Karolina

"Rose, have you seen Zoya?" She shouted frantically. I nodded my head

"She had a nightmare last night and when I went downstairs to get a drink I found her by my door. She asked if she could sleep with me because she didn't want to wake anyone else up" Karolina sighed in relief

"Is she in your room then?" I nodded again

"fast asleep" Karolina chucked

"Thank you. Sorry if she kept you awake last night" I shook my head

"No she didn't. If anything I slept better with her next to me, I couldn't get to sleep before she came in" Karolina smirked

"I think you're bodies trying to tell you that it wants somebody beside it at night" She faked coughed "Dimitri, maybe" I glared at her playfully

"Maybe" I turned back around and walked into my room "I'm going back to sleep. Your more than welcome to come and get your daughter but she's fast sleep and is fine whereq she is" Karolina walked out of Zoya's room with me

"I'm going back to bed, do you want me to take her?" I shook my head

"No thanks she's warm!" I cuddled up closer to Zoya and wrapped my arms around her. She buried her face in my shoulder and relaxed.

As much as i tried, i couldn't get to sleep. Morning sickness was coming my way, i could feel it in my stomach.

As quietly as possible i got up and went to the bathroom to get ready. I threw my head over the toilet just in time, it hit me like a buckey of water. Morning sickness was a bitch!

I wiped my mouth and sat on the toilet, tears were fallimg from my eyes for no reason so i wiped them away. I heard someome open the bathroom door and i turned around to discover a shirtless Dimitri.

"Are you okay?" He asked. I could hear the genuine concern in his voice.

"Just morning sickness, dont worry. Go back to bed" He smiled slightly and walked over to me.

"Im not going back to bed. You need me out here, i'll stay with you until your finished, then if you want me to leave. I will" I smiled and he held my hand as i puked in the toilet again, he rubbed my back and handed me some tissue when i had finished

"Are you okay now?" He asked. I nodded my head and stood up

"Yeah, im fine. Im gonna go get a drink" He smiled and we walked out of the bathroom. Dimitri followed me down and helped me with my drink

"Im pregnant, not disabled!" Dimitri chuckled

"I never said you was disabled. It doesn't hurt you to be safe!" I frowned

"How will i hurt myself getting a glass of water?" I raised my eyebrows

"You could trip" He said simply.

I laughef "What if i trip walking to the couch? Or up the stairs?" He laughed and walked over to me

"Your right. You should be assisted everywhere" He joked. He picked me up and cradled me in his arms "I'll have to carry you" I laughed and tried to struggle out of his arms but it was no use

"Let me go!" I squeeled. He shook his head and laughed. I loved seeing him like this, no matter how mad i was at him, i still lived for his smiles.

He reached down and connected our lips, cutting off anymore squeales that would escape my mouth. It suorised me that he had kissed me, what suprised me even more is i kissed him back. He let me out of his arms and i stood up on my own two feet not disconnecting our kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck and put my hand in his hair.

He walked up over to the couch and we fell onto it together. I pulled away from the kiss and looked into Dimitri's eyes, i could see hurt becuase i had pulled away, but also love. Thats when i realised i was kissing a man that truly loved me and wouldn't leave me again.

I smiled and kissed him again, eventhough it was just a peck on the lips it felt amazing. We pulled away and he wrapped his arms around me

"Roza, im so-" I shook my head

"Dont you dare so your sorry. Dont ruin this amazing moment" He nodded

"Okay" I rested my head on his bare chest and relaxed. I dont no how long ive wanted this, ever since the cabin. Eventhough i had seen him as a strigoi it had never been the same. His skin had been cold and i had been filled with endorphins, this was right!

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