Chapter 14

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On the way back i thouhgt of ways to get Dimitri back, i even thought of dying his hair blue or something permanent but decided against it because he would probably be really annoyed, plus i didn't no where to get hair dye without him knowing.

Dimitri held my hand in the cab and i fell asleep on his shoulder. I had a good way to get him back, which was classic but wasn't permanent.

We walked into the house and i put my plan into action. I left Dimitri in the kitchen while i went into the garden, picking up the hose pipe as i went out.

I stood by the tap and called Dimitri "Dimitri! I shouted "Come here" He ran outside to see if anything was wrong, as soon as he was away from the door i turned on the water.

It hit him all over but mainly his chest, after a couple of minutes i turned off the tap and started laughing. As soon as Dimitri saw mr laughing he ran over and snatched the hose pipe. He turned it ariund and i strted screaming.

I walked over to him ignoring the water and tried to restle him to the ground. After a few minutes of trying i pinned him to the floor and staddled his waiste.

I lent down and kissed him, he let go of the hosepipe and cupped my face, deepening the kiss.

Our kiss was interupted by someone clearing there throat. We both looked up and i smiled inocently at Karolina and Zoya.

"There are children around you know?" I felt myself starting to blush so i stood up and helped Dimitri. We were both soaking wet so we took off our shoes and socks and ran upstairs before Olena saw!

I ran into my room and changed my clothes, while i had my top off Dimiti came in and hugged me from behind and kissed my neck. A small moan escaped my lips and i turned around and kised him again

"I guess we are carying on our earlier session!" Dimitri chuckled and returned to the kiss. He walked me over to the bed and lay me down.

Before i knew all our clothes were off and we were repeating the cabin.

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