Chapter 12

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I walked with Abe, Mom and Alberta to Kirova's office, i hadn't told them what was happening yet but i told them Kirova needed to know aswell.

We opened the door and i took a seat opposite Kirova, she wore her normal stern expression, she didn't look impressed that we was having this meeting!

"So Rose, what is it that you wanted to talk to us about?" asked Alberta.

"I dont want to say who but...I met a boy in Russia we got intimate." I looked around the room at the staring faces "Im pregnant" I said as calm as possible. Alberta gasped and stood up, banging her hands on the desk

"What? I cannot have a pregnant novice at the achool. Do you realise what this wio do to your future? You wont be able to graduate, you will be unpromised" She shouted.

"Im not getting rid of it, if that's what your thinking?" I was geting pretty annoyed now, no way was i getting an abortion "We wil have yo think of another way" Kirova shook her head

"You have two choices, baby or graduate?" I gasped

"What will happen if i chose the baby?" I asked. I already knew the answer, i just wanted to hear it for myself

"I would have to ask you to leave the academy!" My mother gasped

"That wont be necessary, Rose will obviously make the correct decision" I stood up and turned to my mother

"I will not abort my baby. Unlike you i care about my future child, that will be born" My mother glared

"You will not give up your future for a mistake" I shook my head

"How dare you, i will take the baby option. I'll be out as soon as possible, dont worry" Kirova nodded

"I dont expect you to be by the end of the week" I nodded and stormed out of the door, i didn't want to talk to anyone at the moment, they were making me chose between my baby and being a guardian. How could i make that decision? What was Lissa going to say, surely she would understand if i chose my baby, she would do the same thing.

I stormed down the hallway earning a few unusual looks from fellow students, i probably looked rediculous, charging down the hall giving dirty looks to anyone who looked at me.

I opened my door and went in, slamming the door behind me, what was i going to do? Where would i go if i chose my baby, is of course i'm gonna choose my baby, its the only thing i have left of Dimitri.

I wonder if he cared that i left? He said he would be there for me, was that another lie? Had Tasha convinced him that i was just a bloodwhore who lied about having his baby? I decided to give into my thoughts and let myself be pulled into Lissa's head.

She had moved from the couch to outside with the rest of the gang and Dimitri and Tasha. I had checked in on Lissa 7 hours ago and it was still quite light where they were, its a good thing Tasha was on a human schedule, so when it was light in Russia it was dark in America, thankyou time difference! They were all sat under umberellas so the moroi wouldn't get effected by the sun, Tasha and Dimitri had suprisingly sat apart and Adrian was on his own away from the rest of them. Lissa and Christian were the closest out of them all, but thats no surprise, they were pratically sat on eachothers laps!

"Rose will be fine, stop worring Liss!" Whispered Christian.

"I cant help but worry about her, she's pregnant. How is she going to tell Kirova, what will she do to her?" Lissa's voice sounded worried, i could tell through the bond that she knew Kirova well enough to know what she would do

"Rose is a big girl, im sure she will be fine" Lissa nodded and looked over at Dimitri which gave me the perfect opportunity to stare at him without being obvious. He was just sat there looking depressed, watching the fountain trickle into the water.

"And what about him. When is he going to man up and call her?" Christian sighed

"I know you love her Lissa but you have to let them be, they need to work through this on there own" Lissa smiled slightly

"I know but they dont just have to worry about themselves, they have a baby now!" I couldn't watch anymore, it was annoying me how right Lissa was, me and Dimitri needed to decide what to do before the baby was born. It wouldn't be fair for him or her to be born into a broken home where mommy and daddy would always be angry at each other.

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