Chapter 15

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Today was the day i finally land in Russia, the pilot of the plane told me to put my seatbelt on and that we will be decending soon so i did as i was told. 25 minutes later and we had landed.

Eventhough it had only been 2 weeks since i left Russia, i had missed it. I was also buzzing because i couldn't wait to see the Belikova's again.

I walked into the airport to collect my bags and then i was ready to leave. My biggest worry today was that Olena didn't believe that my child was Dimitri's, i just hoped that Yeva had seen me and my baby coming and told them the truth.

Once out of the airport i hailed a cab to take me to Baia, the man said it was about 40 minutes away so i have quite a wait. I loaded my bags in the car and got into the backseat, i didn't sit in the front because i felt like i could go to slerp. Ever since i found out im having a baby i've been really sleepy. Every chance i get im either eating or sleeping!

After a few minutes of closing my eyes i fell into a dreamless sleep.


Dont panic! There is going to be a second book, i thought i should end it here because the start of Rose's new life ahould be the start of a new book!

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