Chapter Four**

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Song 4 of the album is linked above^

I walk into the conference room, taking a seat at the head of the table, waiting for Peter to come in so we can start my band hunt for the tour and possibly longer. Peter leads in a group of girls, making me excited. I'd love to have an all-girls group. "Ladies, this is Dylan, Dylan, this is Macy, Becca, Erin, and Luna." "Nice to meet you guys." I shake their hands before they sit, looking around. 

"Aright, ladies, tell us a little about yourself." Peter starts setting up his computer to take notes. "Well, we all went to high school together and enjoyed music a lot so we started a band. We've mostly been doing small town performances in bars and a few weddings, a little bit on youtube. We decided to move out here for a greater chance of being seen." Macy says, smiling. "What instruments does everyone play?" I ask, looking around. "I'm drums, Macy is guitar and vocals, Becca is bass and Erin is piano/keyboard," Luna says. Peter writes it down, looking back up. "Why are you interested in this?" Peter asks. "We'd love the exposure and opportunity to make more music," Becca replies. "What would you consider to be your sound?" "Probably more alt-rock than anything else but we can do anything," Luna assures. 

"How long have you been playing your respective instruments?" "Most of us since we were really young, Erin was middle school, right?" Becca replies, looking to Erin, who nods. "How old are you all?" "Twenty-one." I nod, glancing at Peter. "What do you like to do in your free time?" I ask. "Normally we are working on new songs, going to the beach, girls nights," Erin responds. "Do you have any questions for us?" Peter asks, looking between the girls. "Um, yeah, if we were chosen, would you be willing to do any of our songs we've made?" I'm taken aback, not even thinking about something like that. Knowing that they were more alt-rock, that was not my strong suit when it comes to music so I knew I'd struggle but I guess I wouldn't be opposed. "Possibly, I can look into it." I shrug, looking over to Peter. "Anything else?" He asks, doing one last look through. No one speaks. 

"Great, we will be in touch within the next week," Peter says, leading them out. "They have a bar performance tonight that we are going to go check out secretly, I've got disguises and the bartender is allowing you in but obviously no drinking, just business." I nod, standing, and stretching. "They almost felt like they were here trying to find a singer rather than me finding a band. I'm also not really alt-rock, I'm more pop maybe a little indie-pop but mostly pop." I frown, looking over at him. "Doesn't hurt to check out their music." He shrugs. I nod, settling back in my seat.

We sit through two more interviews that were rough, one group kept trying to talk over one another and the other one was absolutely not here for the right reasons. "One more group," Peter promises. He goes to get them, letting me check my phone really quick. Blake said he was grocery shopping and to call when I needed to be picked up. I give it a thumbs up, putting my phone back down when the group comes in with Peter.

"Dyl, this is Brad, Damian, Aaron and Brandon, guys, this is Dylan." "Hi, nice to meet you." I greet them, smiling at them. They sit across from Peter and me, looking comfortable. "Why don't you start by telling us about yourselves?" "Yeah, so, I'm Brad, I've been playing the drums since I was five, my dad was in a band as well so that's how I got into drumming, and I grew up in a small town in Colorado so I grew up pretty active outdoors when I wasn't at school or drumming. I'm also the oldest out of everyone here, I'm twenty-one." Peter nods, writing it down. 

"I'm Damian, yes Brandon and I are twins, we also grew up in Colorado, we both know guitar and bass, I play a lot of video games in my free time and I actually write a little bit of music. We are nineteen." "I'm Brandon, like Damian said, we are twins but we are not that much alike. I spent a lot of my time outside like Brad, lots of hiking skiing, snowboarding, and skateboarding, and yeah, bass and guitar, I'm more bass usually though." 

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