Chapter Seventeen**

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Final Song of the Album linked above ^^

The bus is quiet as we head to Las Vegas, everyone tired after last night's show. I am relaxing on a bench, playing a game on my phone but growing bored with it. I could hear quiet strumming coming from the back of the bus, Michael back there working on a song. I head back, sitting down across from him. 

"Working on a new song?" I ask, glancing down at the notebook next to him. "Trying to, but struggling." "Can I hear what you have so far?" I ask, watching his shoulders slump. "I don't have much, how about I show you once I have more?" He offers, putting his guitar off to the side. He lets out a long sigh, standing. "Promise?" I ask, holding out my pinky. He grins, locking his pinky with mine. "Promise." He assures, walking out to the front.

I follow him, seeing that Luke is still sleeping in his bunk. I go back to the front, groaning as I plop down on the bench. "I'm bored," I complain, now making it everyone else's problem. I needed entertainment. Ashton laughs going back to his phone. 

"You could always take a nap like Luke is," Calum offers. "I woke up from one 2 hours ago, I don't need another nap." I shake my head, turning to Calum. "So did Luke, but that's obviously not stopping him." He laughs, turning to face me. "Okay, but he's sick, he needs the sleep so that's why he's asleep again," I explain shaking my head at him. He's been helping all of us take care of Luke for the past 24 hours, he knows he's sick. "If you say so." he chuckles, going back to his phone.

I huff, sitting up. I go over to Ethan, our driver, asking him how much longer. "We're about half an hour from the outskirts of Vegas but probably an hour from the hotel." He lets me know and I slump, going back to my bench. Ashton is gone, probably either gone to the back or the bathroom.

I hear my name, turning to see Ashton standing in front of the bunks. "What's up?" I ask, going over to him. He leads me to Luke's bunk, and I see Luke covered in a sheen of sweat. I frown, Luke barely opening his eyes to look at me. "Hey, you doing okay?" I ask, putting the back of my hand against his forehead. He is burning up again but shivers, pulling the blanket up to his chin. "Everything hurts, I'm dizzy, and so tired." "You probably caught what I had a few weeks ago," I turn to Ashton, "Can you get him a cold wet washcloth to help with the fever?" He nods, going into the bathroom. I turn back to Luke, thinking. "When was the last time you ate?" "Before we left." "Do you want some crackers? It might help your stomach." I offer, knowing we had some on the bus, not sure what else we have at the moment though. He nods as Ashton comes back with a washcloth.

I put it on Luke's forehead, my phone alarm going off alerting me that Luke could take more meds. "What do you want to take, Tylenol?" I offer, grabbing my medicine bag off my bunk below him. He nods, propping himself on one arm and grabbing his water bottle from beside him. I give him the medicine, asking Ashton to bring some crackers too.

I lay down on the bunk across from him as he eats a few crackers then lays back down, closing his eyes. I adjust the washcloth on his forehead then go back out to the guys, plopping down in my seat again.

"He's not going to be able to perform tomorrow night if he's like this again tomorrow, he'll have to do a complete 180 to be able to perform." I let them know, the three of them turning to me. "Do you just want to open alone then? You could add a few more songs, and use our rehearsal time to get it down?" Michael offers, glancing at the other two who nodded.

"Yeah, I'll let my band know and we can get together once we are at the hotel and figure out what songs we want to add if one of you lets Simon know?" I say, pulling out my phone to let my band know the plan.

I make a list of what songs I think would be fun to add, making a brief plan of dance moves I can use and what else I can do while on stage to extend my performance.


I follow Luke into our room, letting him go straight to the bed while I put our bags off to the side. I get Luke another wet washcloth and put it on his head again, giving him a small smile. "Thank you." He says softly. "'Course, you always take care of me, it's my turn," I assure him. "I do need to go meet with my band though, text me or Ashton if you need anything." He nods, closing his eyes. 

I go to my band's room and see them setting out what they need. "Alright, let's figure this out so we can all get some sleep," I say, trying to hold in a yawn. They nod, pulling out a notebook. "I was thinking of adding Princess, and If I Hated You, then I was going between Pretty Girl and Wasted Youth, I don't know how many songs they will let us add since this is so last minute. but if we can do 5 more to double, I was set on those 4 and maybe Side Effects?" I start, looking between them. 

"We also agreed on Princess and If I Hated You, but thought Dear Society might be another fun song to add?" Brad says, pulling out his list. I nod, adding that to my list. "We can always rehearse all of them and see which ones sound and work out best and see what Simon and everyone else think. Maybe do Dear Society instead of Side Effects? Let's plan on meeting at the stage at 10 tomorrow and rehearse the new songs and if we have time do a full run-through of everything?" They all agree and I leave, letting Simon know we were going to head to the stage early to practice and figure everything out. I get back to the room and get ready for bed, trying not to wake Luke. He snores softly, barely moving as I close my eyes.

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