Chapter Thirty-Eight*

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Luke nudged me back awake, all of our luggage taking a lot longer and it was 4 in the morning. And there were still fans around. I blinked, turning back to the girls in front of me. "Sorry guys, what were you saying?" I felt so bad, but Anna decided not to sleep last night or on the flight. And Ashton paired me with her.

They handed me stuff to sign, then we took pictures and I moved on to the next few people. I posed for millions of pictures it felt like, but that could have just been me. Finally, our luggage came, and we made our way to the hotel. I walked in, Anna bursting into tears again in my arms. Ashton sat down in a chair, out in seconds.

I'm about to start crying if this baby doesn't stop crying. "Shh, Anna, it's okay. Go back to sleep." I shush her, rocking her. She won't so I sniffed, but she didn't need a diaper change. "Are you hungry?" I ask, she just cried harder, so I sighed. "Why won't you shut up?" I ask, still rocking her. I put her pacifier in, and she spits it back out.

"Anna, you need to work with me here, I'm tired and Ashton's not being much help and I don't know where the other guys are." I mumble, walking around the hotel room. I put the pacifier back in and she spits it out. I groan, putting her down on the ground and changing her diaper; which she didn't need; and then resorted back to rocking her. Ashton curled up in a ball when I poked him, so he was no help.

I start humming amnesia, hoping it will calm her, but it just seems to make her cry harder. "What do you need Anna?" I whine, turning her around so I'm able to feed her. She wouldn't take the food, so I pulled my laptop out, which took about 10 minutes while holding a baby. I search why a baby won't stop crying, and what I found was either her teeth were coming in, she was hungry, she needed a diaper change, she was tired, or she was sick.

I checked her gums, nothing. "Are you sick Anna?" I mumble, rocking her still. I feel her forehead, grabbing my phone. I call Liz, hoping she can help. "Hello?" Her voice mumbled. "Oh jeez, did I wake you?" I ask, feeling bad. "No, I'm up reading a book I can't put down, what do you need darling? You sound like you need sleep though." She chuckles.

"That I do, how do you know if a baby is sick?" "Well, depending on the illness, she would either have a fever, a cough, which isn't a good thing, or a runny nose." "Anna doesn't have a cough, and I can't tell if she has a fever because my hands are freezing, and she doesn't have a runny nose, but she won't stop crying, and I've tried everything." "That's odd, maybe she just wants her daddy?" I hold back my laugh, knowing the 5SOS Fam calls Ash daddy.

"He's passed out cold." "Is his mum there yet? She was flying out." "She's what now?" "She's gonna talk to him about keeping Anna until the tours over." "Thank god. I love Anna, don't get me wrong, but I feel more like a mom to her than Ashton feels like a dad." The door opens and Luke comes in. "Who are you talking to?" He asks, frowning. "Your mom." I situate Anna better in my arms before fixing the phone held between my shoulder and cheek.

Luke takes my phone, putting it up to his ear. "Hi mum!" He chirps. I smile at him, he has such a great relationship with her, it's amazing. I sit down on the couch, rocking the still crying Anna. "I am!" Luke says loudly. I shush him, trying to quiet Anna. Luke went out in the hall, and I laid my head back, not noticing my rocking getting slower and Anna getting quieter.

About 15 minutes later, Michael and Calum burst in, being very loud and waking Anna up in a screaming frenzy, waking me up and I groaned, about to start crying. "Oh." Michael says. "You idiots! I literally finally just got her to stop crying and screaming and now she's crying again because of you! I just want to sleep and none of you are helping, Ashton's out cold and won't take care of his daughter and I feel like she's more of my child than his!" Luke comes back in, frowning.

Mrs. Irwin following. "Oh, my granddaughter isn't causing a fuss is she?" She takes her from me and I sigh, hoping she didn't hear that. Luke comes over and I know he heard my outburst when he engulfs me in a hug. "C'mon." He says, pulling me towards a bedroom. I walk there in a zombie state, and he unmakes the bed, which I crumble onto.

He pulls me closer to him, and I rest my head on his chest. I could still hear Anna crying and I groan, and his arms wrap around me tighter. Michael comes in, letting the hall light in. "Are you guys sleeping? We don't know where the bottle is." He says, I groan, getting out of the bed. I go out, looking where I thought I left the bottle. I look all over the hotel room, getting frustrated. "I swear I put it right here!" I say, looking on the floor. "It's a bottle, it can't just get up and walk away." Calum laughs.

"I know that Calum." I snap. "Where else did you put it?" "I don't know!" I say, on the verge of tears. My glasses were giving me a headache, so I put them down on the counter. I look under the couch, eventually not moving. "Dylan?" Michael asks. "I'm such a screw up! I lost a stupid baby bottle because none of you would help so I was left a child that isn't even mine to raise and Ashton's sound asleep when he got to sleep on the plane and I didn't and he even got to sleep last night but I didn't so I've been awake for about 32 hours and I just need sleep and none of you are letting me get it and I'm hallucinating now because I'm seeing Harry and he's in London."

I point to the door. Michael turns to the door. "Harry isn't there Dylan." "I KNOW THAT!" I yell, making Anna cry again. I groan, putting my head in my hands. I look up when someone puts their hand on my shoulder, and I see the bottle wedged between Ashton and the arm. I stand up, grabbing it. I hand it to his mom and turn back to the hall. I slowly walk back, swaying a bit.

Back in bed, Luke's asleep. I groan, seeing him hogging the entire bed. I go back out, falling down on the couch. I close my eyes, curling up. I finally fall asleep.


Luke's POV

Dylan's been asleep for about 15 hours now. But probably not much longer. "I swear to god Michael! If you wake Dylan up none of us will sleep the rest of the week." I snap at him, trying to get him to be quiet was trying to tell a baby to stop screaming. Which was also currently happening.

"I'm bored and I wanna do something!" He whines, collapsing in a chair. Dylan stirs slightly and I hold my breath. She faces the inside cushion, but goes back to sleep. I breathe a sigh of relief, going to the kitchen to see Ashton rocking Anna who was slowly starting to quiet down. "Mum, I don't need you to raise my daughter, I'm perfectly capable!"

"Dylan broke down in tears because no one was helping her raise your child Ash, I love you but either you need to start helping out a lot more or I take her for the rest of the tour." "Fine, whatever." He huffs. Oh god. "Ash, don't be like this." His mum follows him.

"Don't be like what? She already lost her mother, I don't want her growing up without a father either!" He says loudly, frustrated. "You'll still be able to raise her after this tour! She's just too young right now!" His mum responds. Dylan walks in, putting her glasses on. She just recently got them and she hates them. She normally has contacts though, I didn't even know she needed glasses.

"And now we've woken Dylan." Mrs. Irwin frowns. "No you didn't, I've been awake since Michael woke me." She mumbles. Michael quickly turns around and goes back to his room. "Ashton, your mom is right, just let her take care of Anna just for this tour then every tour after that you can take care of her, Anna's not even 2 months old and she's doing more traveling than most people. Just for this tour." Dylan says with a yawn.

He groans, handing me Anna. I open my mouth to complain but he glares at me. Dylan takes her from me when she begins to whimper. "You're gonna be a horrible father." She grins at me. "I'm 20, I have time." "That's what Ashton thought." She mumbles. I sigh, rubbing my neck. "That couch is actually really comfy, I think I'm gonna sleep out here all week." She grins. "Dylan." "I don't want Mrs. Irwin getting the wrong idea Luke." "We've been sleeping in the same bed all tour though." "But I was technically supposed to have my own. I just always slept in yours."

"Why?" I whine. "It's only for a week Luke. Not even. And you'll see me all day." "But I like cuddling with you." "You'll live." She grins before walking off. I follow her to my room, and sit on my bed.

"Please?" "No Luke." "Please?" "Luke." She warns. "Please?" "No." "Please?" She turns on me, glaring. "Luke I will go to my own room if you don't shush." She walks back out in the hall and Ashton takes Anna from her. She lays back down on the couch, so I lay on top of her. "Please?" "Luke." She groans, pushing me. But she's not trying. "Maybe." She finally says. "I'll take that as a yes." I smile, kissing her cheek.

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