Chapter Twenty-Nine*

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We stood in line for the London Ferris wheel, and I gripped Luke's hand tightly. "You don't have to do this." He whispers to me. "Yeah, I do. It's the last thing I didn't get to do with you on the last tour. Other than that, we did everything together." "But I don't want you to have a panic attack." "We'll get our own gondola. There's barely anyone around right now." "Okay." He says uneasily.

We finally get in, and as we begin moving up London spreads out below us. "Wow." I breathe. "Pretty cool huh?" Luke grins, wrapping his arms around me. I nod, taking in the view. He rests his chin on my shoulder, leaning against the wall, pulling me back.

"Hey, remember that surprise I'm planning for you?" "The one I found out about a few months ago?" "It was like 4 months ago and I had close to nothing planned?" I nod. "It's almost fully planned now." "Really?" "Yeah, it should be done by the end of the North American part of the tour." "Yay!" I grin. "I really hope you like it." He whispers into my ear, pulling me closer. "I've loved everything you've done and gotten for me, this won't be different." I assure him.

"I hope so." "When do we have to go back to America?" I ask as we get off the Ferris wheel. "Tomorrow, that only if we don't want to miss more of the tour, I mean, that's fine too." He laughs. "I've already taken off about half the tour, we are going back." I swing our hands back and forth as we walk. "What are we doing tonight though?" I ask. We step into the hotel, heading to the elevators. "Well, we can either go out or stay in." "What would we do if we went out?" "Probably dinner and something." "And if we stay in?" We step into an empty elevator and Luke presses 7. "You know what we'd do." He glances down at me with a smirk. "And what would that be?" I ask innocently. "You'll have to wait and see I guess." He steps out of the elevator when we get to our floor and I quickly follow.

"Luke." I follow him and he unlocks the door, stepping in. I follow and he presses me against the door, kissing me. He lifts be up and I wrap my legs around his torso. "Hello." We quickly pull apart and turn to see Ashton. Luke sets me down and I look down to hide my blush. "What are you doing here?" Luke asks, sounding a little angry. I don't blame him. This was finally some alone time we had and Ashton wasn't even supposed to be in England right now!

"You guys really have to come back." "Now?" I ask, looking up. "Yes now." "And you couldn't have called?" Luke asks. "I did. You guys wouldn't answer." "Because we turned off our phones! It was our weekend away and we wanted peace and quiet." Luke groans. "Luke, if he came all this way just to get us, we should probably go back." "But we were going to do stuff tomorrow before we left." "And we can do it when we come back." I pull him to the bedroom and grab my suitcase. I put in my clothes and Luke does the same and we come out 5 minutes later, ready to go. "Our flight leaves in two hours." Ashton announces, leading the way to the hotel lobby.

Luke mimics him quietly and I tug his arm. "Be nice." I scold quietly. We check out and get in the cars, and I lean against Luke, my feet resting in Ashton's lap. "We're finishing this back in New York." He tells me quietly. "Why do we need to go back so bad?" Luke questions Ashton. "You'll see." It can't be Kiera, she's only 6 months pregnant. If it is, that's really bad.


We arrived back in Los Angeles, not New York, so I knew whatever it was was big. "Can you please just tell us Ashton?" I plead. "That won't be a good idea." He says, driving us to a destination.

I began to panic when we pulled up to the hospital. "Please tell me Kiera's okay and the baby is too." "She's fine. Please calm down." Ashton spoke quickly, walking faster towards the entrance. He reached the receptionist before us and was waiting for us. He led us to a room, the curtains closed so we couldn't see in. "Dylan, I think you should go in alone." "Who's in there Ash, you're scaring me." I say, on the verge of tears. "Just go." He gives me a light push and I open the door.

Blake was hooked up to a bunch of monitors, cuts, scrapes and bruises covering his body. "No." I whisper, running from the room. I run to the nearest bathroom, puking up the plane lunch and sit on the floor, crying. Soon, Luke is let in by a nurse, and he pulls me into him. "What happened?" I cry out. "A drunk idiot crashed into him." He says softly. "What happened to the drunk guy?" I ask, getting mad. "He's fine." Luke frowns. That makes me cry harder, my brother pretty much on his death bed while the idiot got away unharmed.

"C'mon, I can't be in here, let's go out to the hall." He hauls me onto my feet and we walk out, my eyes black from my makeup being smeared. We take a seat in Blake's room, and Luke looks at me. "You look like you got in a fist fight." Luke laughs. "Shut up." I snap. "Just trying to lighten the mood." He sighs. "My brother is on his fucking death bed and you're trying to lighten the mood Luke? What's wrong with you! Just get out!" I yell. "Now you know how I felt when I overheard Ashton and Michael talking about how you were in the hospital because you tried to kill yourself!" He yells at me and the room goes quiet.

He stood up, angry. "Yeah, that's right, I knew Dylan was in the hospital for 2 weeks before she told me." He snaps before leaving the room. I sunk down into the chair, more tears streaming down my face. "Dylan I-" "just shut up Ashton. Just- can you just leave me alone? All of you? Don't call or anything. Just leave me alone." "Dylan, don't do this." "I said leave Ashton!" I scream, chucking the pillow I was currently clutching at him. He quietly leaves and I drag my chair over to my brother.

"I'm so sorry." I say, gripping his hand.

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