Chapter Six**

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Song 6 of the album is linked above^

"Alright, everyone, welcome Dylan's new band, Winter's Haven, Brad, Brandon, Damian, and Aaron. I want to solidify the setlist before I send it off, as well as order. If you want anything changed, let me know." Simon hands papers out and I look over my list, liking it. "I'm good." I nod, signing the bottom. "How many of yours still need to be released?" Simon asks, turning to me and taking my paper. "Five, I need to record one still but one is being released at midnight." "Will you be able to get the last three out before tour?" "Yeah, since they are already recorded, Tom said we can get them out on an EP in a few weeks." "Perfect. Will you be doing any recording on tour?" "Tom wants me to have an album out by summer so probably." Simon writes that down, nodding. "Let us know as soon as possible while touring when you are planning on recording so we can work rehearsals around that." I nod, leaning back in my chair.

Simon talks with the other bands while I sit on my phone, scrolling through Twitter. "Is there anyone extra we need to account for on tour?" Simon asks, looking around. I shake my head, looking to see everyone else's answers. They shake their heads as well, Simon standing. "Alrighty, well, I'll see you guys at the next meeting." He leaves, the guys of One Direction also leave. I spin in my chair to face my band, giving them a smile. "How are you guys feeling?" I ask, leaning on the table. "Good, I'm excited!" Damian says, grinning. "Good! Has Jake set up a time to have you guys work on Live Young, Die Free?" "Yeah, Monday was the best day," Brad replies, nodding. "Perfect, I'll probably get in there on Wednesday then."

Arms wrap around me from above, startling me. "Hey, kiddo," Ashton says from above. "Hey, Ash." "Wanna get lunch?" I nod, giving my band a smile. "I'll see you guys later." I give them a wave as I leave, catching up to Ashton. "How are you doing?" He asks, looking over at me. "I'm okay, Noah and I broke up." I shrug, walking through the front doors. "I'm sorry." I shrug again, letting out a sigh. "Long-distance. We had only been dating for a few months anyway." He nods in understanding, stopping at the curb. "Pizza?" He asks, looking over at me. "Absolutely." We walk to a pizza place down the road, Ashton's hood up. We get in line, looking at the menu above.

"How are you and the guys?" "Good, lots of music, songwriting, recording, you know the works." I nod with a laugh. I order my slice, taking it from the man. I get a table while Ashton pays, walking over to me. "How's Blake?" He asks. "Good, helped me write a song. Has been writing himself." "Good, I'm looking forward to his next album." "It's gonna be a good one." I take another bite, watching Ashton. He gives me a look before swallowing his bite. "He's good." "That's good." I nod, biting my lip. "No girls, he's very single." He says, raising his eyebrows at me. "Have you talked to him since we moved out of your brother's place?" He asks. I shake my head, letting out a sigh. "I hoped we could be friends again, but it's not looking like it," I say, looking down at my pizza.

"Dylan, I'm sorry," Ashton says sympathetically. "You could try being his friend on tour, you'll be spending the next year together, it wouldn't hurt to try." He offers. I shrug, glancing up at him. "We're both at good places in our lives, I don't really want to mess with it." "Oh, don't give me that." Ashton gives me another look, shaking his head. "You both can be at good places in your life and still be friends." I shrug, not knowing what to say. "I just don't want to risk anything," I mumble. "I get that. It'll be a pretty awkward tour if you guys can't get along though." He brings up. I never even thought about that. "He has to try too, this can't be a one-way street. I can't be the only one trying to put effort into this." Ashton nods, "I can talk to him." He promises, finishing his slice.

"Are you excited for the tour?" He asks, changing the subject. "Yeah, I start my dance rehearsals next week so I'm trying to get in shape a little more so I don't absolutely die next week." He laughs, wiping his hands. "Sounds like fun, do you know who your choreographer is?" "No, Simon set it up for me so I'm sure someone good." I shrug, taking a drink of my coke. "What song are you most looking forward to performing?" He asks. "Ruin My Life probably. I have both a piano and a fun version so I need to decide which version I want to perform but I love the song. What about you? What are you most looking forward to performing?" "Song's not out yet so I can't say but once it's out I'll let you know." "Sounds good."

"Alright, I need to go work on some stuff with the guys, I'll see you later," Ashton says as I finish my food. He takes everything to the trash and I grab my cup following him out. I go to my car and he goes back into the studio. I go home, collapsing back on the couch.


I continue practicing the dance moves, the song ending. I look to Erika, raising my eyebrows. "Better, still could use some work but it's only the first week." I take a deep breath, nodding. I grab my water bottle, taking a swig. "Wanna work on the next song or save that for next week?" "Next week, please. My legs are numb." Erika laughs, nodding. Keep working out, you'll get the hang of it." I nod, collapsing on the ground and laying down. "One more go then you're free to go home." I groan, giving her a look. She laughs, shaking her head down at me. I hold my arm up to her and she helps me up and we go through my two songs we've worked on this week, feeling more comfortable with them.

The music stops, sweat dripping down my forehead. I grab my towel and wipe it away, turning to Erika. "You do know you'll have to do this while singing, without getting out of breath." I let out a long sigh, holding back another groan. "I'll get there eventually." She laughs with a nod. "I believe in you, girl, get some rest, drink some water." I pick up my bag, turning to her. "I'll see you next week." She waves and I leave the studio, going home and showering. I wash the sweat and grime off, putting my hair up in a towel. I put on leggings and a tee, falling back on my bed. My body hurt.

"Hey, wanna go to a party?" Blake asks, standing in my open doorway. "Where?" "Ashton's." I lay there thinking, not completely sure if I was ready for another Luke confrontation. "I don't know." I finally say as Blake comes in and sits next to me. "Scared of Luke?" I nod, letting out a sigh. "I haven't seen him since my meeting earlier this week." "Didn't Ashton say he would talk to Luke though?" I shrug, not sure if he had yet or not. "I can ask for you?" He asks, looking down at me. I shrug again, my heart racing.

Blake calls Ashton, the phone ringing for what feels like forever. "Hey man, what's up?" Ashton asks. "Was wondering if you've had a chance to talk to Luke yet?" "Yeah, he's been scared to work on the friendship, partly because he still has feelings for Dylan and partly because he doesn't want to hurt her again." My stomach sinks knowing we still felt the same way about each other. This would be a long tour.

Blake glances down at me, knowing that information hit me like a train. "Great, thanks, I'll see you later." Blake hangs up, letting out a short breath. "You two should talk. Get everything out in the open, especially your feelings." He offers. My eyes widen and I turn to him quickly. "Absolutely not." I shake my head, my stomach now in my throat, my heart racing. "Dylan, anyone can see from your songs that you're still in love with him. He made you happier, better, you enjoyed each other and loved each other. Don't you want that again?"

Of course I did, who wouldn't want that? I risked getting hurt again though and his fans, what would they think? Blake did have a point though, Luke did make me happier and better. I was doing really good when I was with him. But I'm doing good now too, that has to count for something, right?

"Dylan, you both are doing better mentally, I really think sitting down just to talk about everything could be really good for you guys before this tour otherwise it will cause issues eventually." Blake points out. I nod, letting out a sigh. I glance at my songbook, memories flooding back of me crying while trying to write any song a few months ago.

I grab my phone, going to Luke's contact. "Can you sit here while I call him?" I ask Blake, my heart racing. "Absolutely." He nods, resituating himself. I hit call, hearing it ring. I start chewing on my thumb nail, Blake pulling my hand from my face. I give him a short smile, taking a deep breath.

"Hello?" Luke answers, a knot forming in my throat. I could do this. "Hey, Luke." "Dylan, hi." When he says my name, butterflies errupt in my stomach and I squeeze Blake's hand. "Hey, I was wondering if you had any free time to talk? Catch up, that kind of thing." I add, knowing how much anxiety it gave me when someone asked to talk. "Yeah, I wasn't really in the mood for Ashton's party so if you're free tonight?" He asks. I squeeze Blake's hand again, trying to breathe normally. He squeezes back, smiling reassuringly at me. "Yeah, tonight works, if you want to come over here, that works." "Cool, do you want me to come over now?" "Sure." "Sounds good, I'll see you in a few then." "See you then." We hang up, my heart pounding in my ears.

"You did good, Dyl, I'm proud of you." Blake tells me. "I want to vomit." I admit, clutching my phone tightly. We were really going to do this.

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