Chapter Thirty-Seven*

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Anna was a month old, and Ashton was fussing about how she shouldn't be flying to Ireland right now. "Ash, she'll be fine." "She's only a month old though! She's not ready!" He says, running around and picking up diapers, stuffing them in his suitcase.

"I'll watch over her, get some sleep, I'll keep packing her stuff." I stop him, watching him yawn. "Are you sure? She's still -" "Ashton, I'm about to slap you. Go to bed." I order. He walks out the door, turning to look back at me. "Thanks." He smiles. "You're welcome, go to bed." He laughs, heading to his room. I pick up Anna out of her crib, holding her. She reached out for my hair, her fingers getting tangled in it.

I quickly walk over to Michael, kicking him to get his attention. "What?" He asks groggily. "Help me." I whine, my hair being tugged. He looks up, chuckling when he sees Anna tugging at my hair. He finally gets her to release my hair, and I hand her over, putting my hair up in a ponytail. I take her back, Michael laying back down.

"Excited for Ireland?" He asks. I nod, sitting down in a chair. Luke walks in, talking on the phone. "Yes Mrs. Irwin, they are both fine, your granddaughter is adorable." "No, he's already stressing about her flying with him to Ireland, he's terrified about Australia." "We're trying to talk him into letting you take care of her until after the tour." "No, he wants to be there for all of her firsts." "You already saw 3!" He laughs. "We'll try again, but he isn't budging." "Alright, bye Mrs. Irwin."

He sits down beside me, looking down at Anna. "Where's Ash?" "I made him go sleep." "Good, maybe he will listen when we say that Anna should stay with his mum till after tour." "Probably not, but it's worth a try." I shrug. "Think positive you butthole." He frowns. "Look who's calling people names now." I turn to Luke, grinning. "Payback." He shrugs.

He goes into the small kitchen, opening the fridge then coming back, handing me an orange soda. I look at him until he realizes I can't hold anything while holding Anna. Ashton's rule. "I'll get you a straw." He laughs. "Thank you!" I chirp.

Anna let's out a yawn, so I begin to rock her, walking around the room. 15 minutes later I lay her down, sitting down on Luke's lap. He wraps his arms around my stomach, pulling me back. Calum comes in, tugging his shirt off, which looked sweaty. "Go for a run?" I ask. He nods, going into the bathroom. "Did I do something to make him upset?" I ask. "I think it's just you guys being all couple-y." "We need to find him a girlfriend and when will Ashley be back?"

"Not sure, she's in college now." "Ugh, I hate being the only girl." I groan. "Excuse you, there's Anna right there." "I can't talk about girly things with her." I deadpan. "Talk to Luke then." I laugh, feeling Luke let go of me, I turn to him. "You know it's true." I giggle, pecking him on the lips. "You're all so mean to me." He whines. "Because it's easy!" Michael laughs.

"I hate you both right now." Luke mumbles, leaning back in the chair. I turn completely around, facing him. "Luke." He doesn't look at me, so I tilt his face to look at me. "I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings." He kisses me quickly, causing me to grin down at him. The door opens, Harry skipping in, Niall right after, Louis, then Zayn, then Liam. Simon walks in, giving them a weird look.

Calum comes out of the bathroom, towel around his waist. "I'll uh, change real fast." He mumbles, slipping back into the bathroom. He comes out dressed a minute later, sitting on the couch. "Where's Ashton?" Simon asks. "Sleeping." I reply, turning around. Luke pulls me back, his arms wrapped around my waist, his fingers on the skin above my hips.

"I'll let him sleep, one of you need to inform him when he wakes." "I will." Calum offers. "Wonderful, when we arrive in Ireland, we have a free week, but I want you staying in Ireland, Dylan, I think Peter said you would start recording?" "If I can get this song done." I nod.

"How many songs have you recorded for this album?" Luke mumbles in my ear. I hold up 2 fingers and feel him nod. "Niall will be visiting family, Harry, Louis, Liam and Zayn I have given permission to go to London since its close enough, but they are the only ones who can leave the country unless it's an emergency." Simon continues.

"Dylan, will Brad be meeting us in Ireland?" "Last I heard yes, but he'll be coming towards the end of the week because he has chemo on Thursday and will need that day to recover and then he'll be flying all day Friday." I explain. "Okay, so on Saturday and Sunday you need to work hard at practices." Yay.

"What about everyone else in your band?" "They'll be meeting us at the airport when we arrive." "Wonderful." I nod, Luke's fingers pressing into my sides. I squirm slightly, him letting out a quiet chuckle. Simon leaves and Harry rushes over to Anna's crib. "Stop right there Harold." I command and he slowly turns to face me. "Let her sleep so Ashton can actually sleep tonight." "But she's so cute! I wanna hold her!" "When she wakes up." He huffs, going over and sitting on the couch. Liam comforts him, shaking his head at the younger boy.

"Let's go out for one last American dinner." Luke says in my ear. "Where?" "Anywhere." "A burger place." "With greasy fries." Luke grins. "I'll go change because I smell like baby." I frown. He laughs, letting me up. I go to my room.


I chucked my fry at Luke, laughing loudly. I leaned against the window in our McDonald's booth, my feet laid out on the booth seat and I was turned facing Luke. How much more American can we get with McDonald's though? "I love you." He suddenly says. "I love you too." I grin. He was mirroring my sitting, his arm across the table though. I laced our fingers together, eating my last few fries. "Ice cream?" He asks. "From Dairy Queen?" I ask quietly. He nods. I eat my last fry, then we throw our trash away.

We walk across the parking lot to Dairy Queen, Luke ordering for us, wrapping his arms around me. We probably looked like that cliché tumblr couple, but I didn't mind. He hands me my chocolate milkshake without whipped cream, and we walked back outside to eat. I took a lick of his ice cream cone, and he took a drink of my milkshake. "We're so basic, getting cones and milkshakes when they can do so much better." Luke laughs.

"I like basic every so often." I shrug, bringing my knees up to my chest. "You alright?" "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" "You just kinda got a little sad." He frowns at me. I mock him, both of us laughing. "Whatcha thinking about?" "My tour at the end of next year." "Hey, you're gonna do so well on that tour, you'll blow up Australia with your music." I smile, looking down.

"I'm just worried, that's all." "Don't be, you're gonna have so much fun!" He smiles. "We start meetings for it soon, not looking forward to that, and the fact that I have to memorize about a million songs." I groan, dropping my head down. "Hey, you'll do great, no negativity." I glance at him sideways, seeing him smiling down at me. "I'm always negative." "Lately you haven't for the most part, so stay that way." He grins. "You're a butthead." "Love you too."

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