Chapter Twenty-Five*

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I put my hair up in a pony tail, straightening it before heading to side stage. I peaked out and fans were milling around, still a good 5 minutes till I had to go out and perform. "Hey." Luke wraps his arms around my waist, startling me. "Did Ashton tell you how things went?" "Yeah, but I think Kiera wants to tell you herself. But after the show." He pulls me back by my hand. "Fine."

"You excited to perform?" "More like nervous." I give a small laugh. "Why are you nervous?" "Because my throats scratchy. I swear, I always get sick after going to airports." I frown. "Just keep drinking water in between songs." "Roger that." I salute him, walking over to the mini fridge back stage and grabbing a bottle. The lights dimmed and the screams grew increasingly fast, and I was handed a mic. Luke gave me a quick kiss before letting me go out and perform.

I stepped out onto the stage and my band began playing. After my first song I took a big gulp of my water. "How you guys doing tonight?" I question. I'm met with screams and I laugh. "I wanna try something. Think you're up for it?" In response, it sounded like they all screamed yeah and I grinned. "So, I'm going to split you into 2 sections, so the right side, you are going to scream BECKY, and the left side, you are going to scream G. Got it?" They all screamed and I pointed to the right and choruses of BECKY came from their side. "Good, but I think we can do better before she comes out here to join me."

I tried it with the left side and they did a good job. I pointed back at the right side and they had it almost perfect. I pointed to the left and they got it perfect. I pointed to the right and then the left really fast and kept doing that until Becky came out. "Hey Becky." I say into the mic. "Hey Dylan." "So, this next song is one of my favorites, it's called Oath, have you guys heard of it?" I laugh at their response. "This song goes out to all the best friends out there tonight, from the two girls in the front right here to the girls with the One Direction light up poster way in the back." I point and am met by screams.

We begin and I can tell my voice is getting a bit scratchy. After the song Becky leaves and I take more water. "This - hello at my voice, that's cool." My voice was really scratchy and I glance back at Zach. "I will do one more song then I think I'll let 5 Seconds Of Summer come out." I laugh. Screams emit and my band launches into Riot!

I make my way off the stage after the song and Luke laughs. "You did good." He kisses my forehead. "Thank god I'm going to the doctor later."


"Hello Dylan." Doctor Raina comes in. "Hello." I croak. "So, you have laryngitis. Drink lots of water and rest your voice." She advises. I give her a thumbs up. "Other than that, you're good to go. Try to take a week off from performing." I frown, I'll now be off for 3 weeks straight for the tour I'm supposed to be opening. "See you in a year." She calls as I leave.

I head to the airport, annoyed that I had to fly out here only to return a few hours later.


"Laryngitis?" Luke asks, repeating what I had told him. "Yup. Not allowed to perform." I frown. "Jeez. It's like you're not even on this tour." He laughs. "Shut up." I mumble, collapsing on the couch. "It's only until you're better." Luke says before sitting down next to me, "But now I have an excuse to cuddle with you all day." "You do anyway though." I laugh. "Shush." I roll my eyes, grabbing the remote. "When do we leave?" "In about an hour. And seriously, stop talking." I frown at him, flipping him off.

"I love you." He says with a cheesy grin. I give him a small smile before turning back to the TV. I scrolled through channel after channel, not seeing anything. "These movies suck." I frown. "I will tape your mouth shut Dylan." Luke warns. I mime zipping my lips shut and he glared at me.

I went back to the TV, seeing hallmark with a Valentine's Day movie. I grimaced and Luke laughed. I turned to him with a questioning look. "You grimace at cliche movies yet we are one of the biggest ones!" I opened and closed my hands in a yapping motion. "Well." He frowns. I quickly kissed his cheek before turning back to the movie.

By the end I was crying into Luke's shoulder. "You're so weird." He mumbles but I can see the tears in his eyes. I point to them and he scoffs. I give him a look and he looks down. I grin in triumph and he shoves me lightly. I shove him back and we have a shoving war, until he pushes me off the couch and i go down. He looks down at me laughing and I slowly stand up, brushing myself off.

He wraps his arms around my shoulders, still laughing and I don't hug back. "Oh c'mon." He flashes me a smile, showing his dimples. I bop him on the nose. His lips linger on my forehead and we are interrupted by a knock. He groans, letting go of me to answer it. I follow him to see who was disturbing us and am surprised by who's on the other side of the door.

And it wasn't a good surprise.

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