Chapter Thirty-Four*

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The flight to New York was short and with Luke beside me it was entertaining. "Sorry Ashley couldn't come with." He says as we head up to my old apartment. Blake called our neighbors asking if anyone had been there in the last few weeks and no one had, so instead of paying for a hotel, we would stay there.

"I get to spend a concert of one of my favorite bands with my boyfriend, it's still good." I laugh. He kisses my temple, hugging me close. I unlock the door, walking in. Everything looked the same, just dusty.

I head up to my room, laying my bag down on the bed. Luke appeared behind me, looking around. "This is where we first had a real conversation." He says. "If you could call it that, all I remember is yelling at my brother and crying." "It was still a conversation." He shrugs. "The concert starts in about an hour, are you pretty much ready?" He asks. "Nope, now leave so I can get ready." I push him out of my room, pulling my bag open.

I grab my white shorts, then put my The 1975 shirt on. I straighten my hair, pulling it up into a ponytail, then do my makeup. I pull on my black converse, then put my phone in my pocket. I grab the tickets from my bag, seeing them caught on a lanyard.

I tug the lanyard out, seeing backstage passes. "LUKE!" I shriek, running from the room. He runs over to me panicked, looking around. "What's wrong?" He asks. I show him the backstage passes, a note stuck to the back of one. 'Nother little surprise! Happy birthday butthead!' "We get to meet them?" I nod eagerly. "This is so cool, oh my god." I breathe.

"We get to meet Matty, George, Adam and Ross?" Luke asks again. "Yes!" I squeal. We take a minute to just calm down and I call Zach. "How the hell did you get backstage passes?" "My uncles their bodyguard." "You guys are amazing, thank you so much." "You're welcome. Have fun." "Will do." I laugh, hanging up. We head down to the nearest subway, trying to avoid fans. We sat on the train with our heads down, finally getting off.

We make our way back up to street level and the line to get in wrapped along the sidewalk. We get in line, my heart pounding from excitement. Soon, people were being let in and some fans around us recognized us. "You're Dylan and Luke." She says in astonishment. "Hi." I smile. "Can I have a picture?" "Um, sure." I say, glancing around. This was The 1975s concert and I don't want to take away from that.

We take a quick picture and then we go inside, our backstage passes hanging around our necks for after the show and we hand our tickets to the man. He hands it back after ripping off the stub. We find our seats, floor seats, and the arena slowly fills. "I think I'm going to be sick from excitement." I grin. "Only you would be excited to get sick." Luke laughs.

The show was absolutely amazing, Matty is an incredible performer, you could see the emotion his songs were about, it's beautiful. Luke and I run through the halls to get backstage, and when we come up to a security guard he smiles at me. "Are you Dylan?" I nod. "I'm Richard, Zach's uncle, happy late birthday." "Oh, thank you!" I smile. "Just go down that hall and it's the third door on your left." "Thank you!" Luke calls as we go down the hall.

The door was open when we got there, a few fans already in there. Their eyes widen when they see us and I didn't realize other fans would be in here. "Hi." I say awkwardly. A few more fans come in, their eyes also widening when they see Luke and me. Finally, Matty, George, Adam and Ross come in, sweaty from the show. "Hello!" Matty greets us.

We all stand around talking, taking pictures, signing things. My shirt got signed by everyone, and I got pictures, and they also knew who I was and that yesterday was my birthday, it was the coolest thing ever. "If you ever want to collab or anything, definitely have your manager call mine, you're an incredible artist." Matt says as Luke and I head out. "Okay!" I grin. When we get a distance away, I turn to Luke. "He wants to collab." I say in disbelief. "I know! You're so lucky!" "This. Oh my god. Best night ever." I breathe.

We head back to the apartment, but when I get there, the doors unlocked. I look at Luke, and slowly open the door. I see my dad in the kitchen and run in and hug him. "Dylan." He says, wrapping his arms around me. "I missed you." He says. Him and mom got in a fight about how she dealt with Luke and me, resulting in a divorce a few months later then he went to Italy for work for a few months then to Brazil. I haven't seen him since the middle of my brothers tour.

"I missed you too." Luke hung back awkwardly, and I pulled away from my dad. "Luke." "Sir." "Call me Ben." My dad says. This is why I like my dad. "What are you guys doing here? I thought you both were touring?" "Here for the night, we saw and met The 1975." I grin. "Met even? That's cool." He smiles. I nod eagerly.

"I was sending your birthday present to Blake to send to you tomorrow, it was late organizing but since I'm with you now, here you go." He grins, handing me a box. "Great wrapping dad." I laugh. I sit down and use my key to rip the tape, flipping the flaps open.

Inside was a single sheet of paper. "Really?" I grin up at him. I read the paper, mostly skimming it. "Wait, I'm confused..." I look up at him. "What are you confused about? You're going on your own tour next year." "But I'll have a new album out by then and I only have 3 songs done." I frown. "With what you've made from this album, you have enough money to tour North America and Europe and Australia." "What about the other countries?" "With how popular you're getting, by your second album you will have enough money to go to Asia, Central America, South America, and maybe parts of Africa."

"Really?" I grin. "If your second albums as well as your first, yeah." He smiles. "Thanks dad." I stand up and give him a hug. "I'm heading to Hawaii tomorrow, I'm taking a well deserved week off, I'm hitting the sack." "Night dad." He goes to his room, Luke turning me around.

"Do I get to come on tour with you?" He grins. "If you aren't touring, yes." I grin. "Perfect." He kisses my forehead, wrapping his arms around my shoulders. "You've come so far this year." He mumbles, I just nod. "I'm proud of you." "Thank you." "But your dad kinda ruined plans for later." He laughs, I pull away, slapping his stomach.

"I'm joking." He laughs, doubling over. "Sure." He comes back over to me, cupping my face. "I've told you I'll wait until you're ready, okay? I'm not gonna force you to do anything." "I know." I sigh. "Good." He squishes my cheeks, kissing me before walking off to my room. I roll my eyes, following my loser for a boyfriend.

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