Chapter Twenty**

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One hour. They are one fucking hour late. I've been pacing for at least 10 minutes trying to figure everything out for myself but it began to stress me out, hence the pacing. I know I want to keep Over My Head, Levitating and Never Forget You but I couldn't decide what else I wanted to change both for this tour and for opening for Taylor for the first week of her tour. I jump, whirling around when the adjoining room door opens, and Luke appears. He frowns when he sees me up, frowning deeper somehow when I continue my pacing. 

"Why are you pacing, again?" he asks, raising his eyebrows as he takes a seat on my couch, relaxing, his arms outstretched along the back. I roll my eyes, trying not to snap at him. "Simon wants me to change the set list so it matches what I'm doing for Taylor, and my band is an hour late." My voice begins to rise, my anxiety rising with it. "I'm starting to stress out because they aren't answering and I don't know-" I can hear my breaths coming out short and quick, I'm hyperventilating. 

Luke stands, walking over, he puts his hands on my cheeks, making me stop and look at him. "Deep breaths, Dylan. Deep breaths." He says softly staring me in the eyes. "I can't, Luke." My voice cracks, and I pull away from him, running a hand through my hair. "Hey, yes you can. Look at me." He says, stepping in front of me again but not touching me this time. "I can't," I repeat, stressing that I can't. 

He takes my hand, forcing me to stay in one place. "What about a break? A week off, to help your stress?" He asks, his eyebrows knitting together in concern. "I don't have time to take a week off! I start with Taylor in a week and I need this performance perfected so I do well opening for her!" I snap, my stress now directed at Luke. I don't try to, but it just comes out.

"Babe, please, you're doing so much lately, take a step back to relax and breathe." He pleads. I pull my hand from him, sinking to the couch. "I'm fine," I state through gritted teeth. "Obviously not if you've admitted to being stressed!" His voice is shrill as he stares down at me. "Just leave me alone Luke." I snap, standing up and going over to my notebook where I have my notes for what I want to perform.

"Dylan-" I cut him off, turning around. "I said leave!" I shout, Luke taking a small step back. He grits his teeth, nodding slowly. "If that's what you want." "It is." I stare at him defiantly, my hands shaking. He backs away slowly then turns, going back to his adjoining room. I let out a shriek-like groan, slumping onto my bed. I pull the pillow over my face trying not to let it turn into a scream. 

I want a break, I just don't have time. There's too much going on and if I take a break now, no one will trust me to go on my own tour. Not if they're risking me canceling because of stress. A knock comes from the door and I ignore it, curling up in a ball in my bed. "It's Brad." The voice comes through the door, angering me. "Go away," I shout, no longer wanting to work with them. "We're sorry we're late," Aaron calls. "I don't care, just go away." A tear slips from my eye, my body finally giving in to the stress. A beep comes from the door and steps sound as they walk in. "What seems to be the problem, Dylan?" Simon asks, making me sit up. I didn't realize he also came along. "It's been a bad day." I snap, wiping the remaining tears from my face. "Let's get this figured out and be done with it then." He sighs. I huff, nodding.

"I know I want to keep Over My Head, Levitating and Never Forget You, Ruin My Life is a fun one to keep everyone pumped up, does anyone else have any requests?" I ask, looking around. "I always enjoy Live Young Die Free and If I Hated You," Brad says, looking around, Damian nodding. "Sure, lets add those then, we get 2 more for Taylor's show, correct?" I turn to Simon who nods. "What about I Believe You and a different cover song every night?" Brandon offers with a smile." "That would be fun, give you all an opportunity to try out other music." Simon nods, writing it down. I nod half-assed, barely paying attention.

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