Chapter Sixteen**

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Song 13 of the album is linked above^^

Ashton pulls up Instagram on his phone, selects the band account, and goes live. "Hey guys, I know we didn't let you know about this, but Luke and I wanted to talk to everyone about mental health and bullying. As most of you know, we want to make sure we avoid bullying and truly urge people to reach out to us if they're struggling mentally. All the boys and I have experienced the struggles of mental illness and I know in today's time with social media, it's even worse." Ashton starts.

"We always want our fans to have a safe space that's bully-free but we've started seeing a lot of it, especially directed toward Dylan." Luke continues. "I hate seeing that it's our fans, people we care about, treating the girl I love this way. Dylan is my whole world, I would hope you all would be happy for me that I've found someone I love this much and who loves me back just as much." He finishes, glancing over at me. I grab his hand, squeezing it. "As always, we want to see you all as happy as we are now, so continue to reach out if you ever need anything and we will do our best to respond, we love you all, keep spreading love!" Ashton ends the live, turning to me.

"Hopefully that got the message across, we really are sorry our fans are attacking you, please keep us updated if it continues, and we will take the next steps, Dyl. I'll let you two chat but let me know if you need anything." Ashton tells me, standing. "Thank you, love you." "Love you too, kiddo." He leaves and I lean back against Luke, letting out a sigh.

"Why is this world so cruel," I mutter, pulling the blanket up to my chin. "Misery loves company." He laughs a little, making me smile. "Thank you, Luke, for sticking up for me." "Anything for you." He kisses the top of my head, pulling me closer.


I chase Harry around backstage, trying to get my phone back. I hurdle some cables, hearing some shouts of protest from the techies. I continue, determined to make sure Harry doesn't delete the tweet I posted saying he is a Barbie. He runs on stage while 5 Seconds of Summer is rehearsing, interrupting them. He runs behind Luke, using him as a shield. "Give me back my phone, Styles," I warn him. "Delete the tweet." "Absolutely not." "Then you're not getting it back." Luke grabs me while Harry runs off again, his body shaking with laughter. "Babe," I whine, struggling to get out of his grasp. "Let's finish up this rehearsal, c'mon guys!" Simon calls annoyance in his tone. Luke lets go of me after he gives me a kiss, and I run after Harry.

I find him in his dressing room, talking to Niall with his back to the door. I grab my phone and fall back on the couch. Harry sits on top of my stomach, knocking the wind out of me. "Take it back." "I'm sorry." I gasp out, struggling to get air back in my lungs. "For?" He urges. "Calling you a Barbie." Niall bursts out laughing, falling back in the chair. "Shut up." Harry snaps at Niall." "Can't breathe." I gasp out dramatically, holding my hand out. "Going to the light." I pretend to die while Harry gets off me, frowning down at me. "I don't weigh that much." "I'm a small human, yes you do," I tell him, sitting up.

Luke comes in a moment later, finally done with rehearsal. "You two are ridiculous, you know that?" He says, looking between Harry and me. "What did you even tweet?" He asks, turning to me. I grin, looking back at Harry. "I called him a Barbie." I giggle, Harry glaring at me. "I hate your girlfriend," Harry states, leaving the room, Niall following so they can start their rehearsal. "You are something else." He laughs, shaking his head.

"Oh, are you feeling any better?" I ask, facing him fully. He shrugs, leaning back. "I've felt better." "Make sure you take some vitamin C then, it'll help," I assure him, standing. I need to go start hair and makeup though, I'll see you at dinner? Maybe try getting in a nap?" He nods, standing as well. "Yeah, that should help too, I'll see you at dinner, love you." "Love you too!" I skip down the hallway to my green room, ready to start hair and makeup. While I wait for Becca to get here, I pick out my outfit, laying it out so it's ready for me to change into after dinner. Becca rushes in, her arms full of stuff. I raise my eyebrows, watching her.

"I want to try something," she smiles, staring at me. "Okay..." I say slowly, narrowing my eyes. "So you know how you've been annoyed with your hair in your face, especially when it's windy like today?" She starts, and I nod. "But you still want your hair down to show off your length and stuff, so let's try a fun half-up do, I was thinking like bubble braids or space buns today, they're both sturdy enough but leave half your hair down if we just do the top half." "Let's do it." I nod with a grin.

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