Chapter Twelve**

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Song 11 of the album is linked above^^

I'm quiet in the meeting about my album, making sure it all is to my liking. I am exhausted after the last few months of getting it all ready. We look over the CDs, and everything is finally put together. I'm glad it's done, but now my nerves are setting in. I want my album to do well, and succeed in this industry. What if it didn't succeed?

Tom snaps me out of my haze, smiling at me. "Two weeks, this will be out on shelves and ready to stream." He announces, my heart racing faster. My stomach churns, and my mind spins. I could distantly hear the people around me stating that they liked it, that it was good but all I could hear in my mind was my mom.

"You will never make it in this world. You're not cut out for fame." 

I realize everyone is leaving and Tom pats my back, leaving the room. I slump further down in my seat, begging my brain to shut up. I stand up, trying to ground myself. I take a few steps around the room, trying to snap myself out of it. 

"Your album is good, you did your best, it's your first, no one's first album is their best, you'll get better." I keep repeating to myself, walking around the table in circles. I stop in front of the window, choking on a sob. "Shut up!" I beg, still hearing my mom's voice in the back of my head. 

I feel hands on my shoulder, scaring me. I turn around, Luke looking down at me, his eyebrows furrowed together. My hands are shaking and I could feel the tears streaming down my cheeks. He slowly pulls me into a hug, and I immediately wrap my arms around him, sobbing into his chest. He waits it out, letting me calm down on my own, rubbing my back to help me calm down.

We sit down on the couch by the window and I wipe my cheeks trying to get rid of the tears lingering. "I'm sorry." I almost whisper, staring at my hands in my lap. "Why are you sorry?" He asks, shifting in his spot. I look up at him, seeing the worry across his face. "Dyl, are you okay?" He changes topics, his eyes never leaving mine. I look into his eyes, trying to gather the courage to tell him that I'm scared.

I think he can read it in my face though as he lets out a short sigh. "You're scared, aren't you?" "Terrified," I mumble, looking down again. "That's okay though, it means you really care about what you are putting out." He assures me, making me realize that is true. "What exactly is scaring you? Maybe talking about it will help you?" He offers. I take a deep breath, leaning back against the couch. "Just- I guess that it won't be good, I won't be successful, that my mom will be right." I shrug. 

He chuckles, leaning against the back of the couch and wrapping an arm around my shoulders. "Your mom was a piece of shit, she never saw your talent the way me, the guys, your brothers, and the world do. You have had one of your first songs land on the top 100 list in the top 3 for the last few weeks. That is huge, Dyl. Your brother didn't do that until his second album. You've got a quickly growing fanbase and are about to tour with One Direction to help blow you up. You are doing this, you are, not your mom. You just finished your first album by yourself." I lean against him, nodding. "You got this." He tells me, shaking my shoulder. I giggle, nodding again. 

"Nuh-uh. I need to hear it." He shakes his head, turning to me. "I got this." I sat with a small smile, Luke slowly smiling. "What was that?" He asks, putting his hand behind his ear. "I got this," I repeat, a little louder, laughing. "I think I'm hearing things, did you say something?" He asks, standing. "I got this!" I stand, almost falling over in a fit of giggles. "Yeah, you do." Luke smiles down at me, pulling me in for a hug. I hug him back tightly, thankful for him being around today.

"Thank you," I tell him, feeling the hug tighten before he loosens his grip on me. "Always." He's looking down at me, smiling softly. His hand is hot on the back of my neck and I know he can feel how fast my heart is beating. He slowly moves a strand of my hair out of my face, his finger dragging across my skin almost burning at his touch. I snake my hand up his chest and stop where his jaw meets his neck. I pull him down, attaching our lips. He pulls me closer, one hand on my lower back and the other on the back of my neck. I slide my hand back into his hair, running my fingers through it. My body feels electric against Luke's, my lips on fire. I pull him closer, our tongues meshing together rhythmically. 

Eventually, we pull apart, but only barely. We're both slightly out of breath, his forehead against mine. "God, I missed that." His voice is hoarse, and I finally peel my eyes open, laughing softly. "I missed you," I whisper, afraid that if I say it too loud, I'll wake up from a dream. This feels like a dream. He pulls me in for another hug, kissing my temple.


My bed jolts, startling me awake. I turn over, trying to pull the blanket over my head. It is way too early. "Wake up! It's Christmas!" Luke shouts, shaking me. I groan, squeezing my eyes shut. "Who let you into my house?" I mumble, trying to block out the light from the hall with my pillow. It disappears from my grasp, giving me nothing to block the light. I turn facefirst into the mattress, using my arms to help block the light.

"You gave me a key, dummy." Luke shakes me again, taking the blankets from around me. I curl up into a ball, the room cold. "Give me the key back," I mutter, not looking at Luke. "Nope." "Luke," I warn, not in the mood this early. God, he was hyper this morning. "Get your own key." He says cheekily. I huff, sitting up. "This is my house." 

"Technically, it's mine," Blake says from the doorway. He looked as tired as I felt. "Didn't ask you." I check the time on my phone, groaning. It is 6 in the morning. "Why couldn't we do Christmas last night instead of this morning?" I ask, wanting nothing but more sleep. "One Direction couldn't make it work last night," Blake says with a yawn, shaking his head. "Who wants coffee?" He asks. I nod, not processing what he said. "I have a redbull for you, Dylan." Luke laughs, kissing my cheek. "Now let's go open presents!" He grins, standing. I slowly get out of bed, go to the bathroom then brush my teeth. I throw my hair in a ponytail and put on a sweatshirt, going downstairs. I sit next to Luke, leaning against him.

Calum passes out the presents and we each open our present from Blake first, and he had gotten me a sweatshirt I really wanted. Next, we open Ashton's gifts and he got me a gift card to Vans. Michael got me a handful of small things, a new phone case, guitar picks for the tour, and a Target gift card. Calum got me a Nerf gun, making me laugh. 

"Why do I need a Nerf gun?" I ask, looking around at everyone. "We started Nerf gun wars after you left the last tour, you need your own for this tour!" He explains excitedly. I accept it, laughing again. I open Luke's present next and it is a canvas of us together on it. I kiss his cheek before I pass out my presents to everyone. I got everyone my album that comes out tonight, and I got Blake a new blender, Calum a hat and tee he's wanted, Michael a new video game, and Ashton some new drumsticks for the tour. I give Luke his present last, which is a new wallet with a picture of us snuck in it. 

My band arrives shortly after we finish and we exchange gifts with them. I got them all personalized earpieces for the tour and they went in together on a sparkly microphone for me for the tour. One Direction finally arrives, and we do a rushed gift exchange with them. They went in on a sparkly guitar for me for the tour and I got them nice water bottles and my new album.

I go upstairs with Luke, changing while he carried my suitcase downstairs for me. I meet him at the front door, saying goodbye to Blake. We pile into the waiting Suburbans, rushing to the airport to catch our flights to New York.

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