Chapter Twenty-Eight*

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I ran off the stage, extremely sweaty from performing. "Great job." Luke mumbles, still looking down at his phone. Exactly how I left him about 45 minutes ago. "Did you even watch?" "Sure." "Luke?" He doesn't answer. "I'm moving back in with my mom." I try to trick him. "Have fun." I groan, walking off. I've been back to performing for about a week now, and Luke's been very distracted by his phone lately and won't answer when I ask what's so important.

Michael comes from around the corner. "Great job Dylan!" He grins. "At least you think so." I frown. "Luke still glued to his phone?" I nod, continuing my walk back to my dressing room. Michael follows, slinging his arm around me. "Give him one more day then go bitch mode on him." "I still have to wait another day?" I whine, opening the door and close it after Michael comes in. I grab a clean shirt, putting it on, not caring that Michael was in the room.

"Yes you do." I motion for him to turn around and I change into a different pair of leggings, and turn back to Michael. "I'm dressed. And do you know why he's on his phone so much?" "It's not our manager, I know that much, and his family's fine, so I don't really know..." I frown, and the door burst open, and ashton tosses me a phone and I catch it easily, watching him slam the door shut and lock it.

He's breathing heavily and I hear pounding on the door. "Give me back my damn phone!" Luke's voice says between pounds. I stare at the phone in my hand, scared to unlock it. "Do you know his new password?" Michael asks. I nod. "Then look!" He sits down next to me and I continue staring at it.

"Dylan, I did not steal that phone just for you to stare at it." Ashton says, sitting on my other side. "I don't want to know, what if he's cheating on me or something?" I mumble. Both boys freeze, looking at me. "Ashton!" Luke shouts. I stand up, going over to the door. "Dylan!" Ashton runs over, blocking the door. "Luke isn't cheating on you, he's not like that."

I slowly slide the screen and type his password in, and his messages came up. "Do you guys know a Kirsty?" I ask quietly. "No... And we know all of Luke's family, he doesn't have any family members named Kirsty..." Michael frowns. I click on the messages, and wish I never had. The last text she sent him was Dylan won't find out I promise.

I locked his phone and opened the door. Shoving the phone in his chest I stormed to the walkway from the century link center to the hotel. "Dylan. Wait!" Luke called after me. I stopped in the middle of the walkway, facing him. "How long?" I ask. "How long what?" He asked. "Don't play dumb Luke! I know what cheating looks like!" "Cheating? I'm- Dylan! Come back!" He continued following me through the halls of the hotel before I got on the elevator, pressing our floor. When we got there, I hid behind the wall of the opposite hall, and when Luke came up to the floor, he went to the room, I went back in the elevator, pressing roof.

When I got there, I slid down the door, breaking down in tears. About 15 minutes later I felt the door move behind my feet and I looked up to see Luke looking down at me sadly. "Can I explain?" He asks quietly. I throw one of the small pebbles on the top of the roof at him and he ducks out of the way. I don't say anything, continuing throwing pebbles at him.

"Kirsty is sorta a friend, not really, she's just helping me." He begins. "With what?" I mumble. "That's what I can't tell you, it's a surprise for you." "How do I know you're not lying? I read her last message to you, it really looks like you're cheating on me." I lay my head back down on my arm, sliding my legs up to my chest. "Please trust me Dylan." "You haven't been talking to me for days! I'm tired of it Luke! I don't know what to believe right now!" I groan, sitting up.

He sits down across from me and grabs my hand. "Dylan. I would never cheat on you, please trust that I would never do that!" He pleads. "Do you even understand how hurt I felt when I read Dylan won't find out, I promise? It sounds like I won't find out about you guys sneaking off to have sex or something Luke!" I stand up but his grip on my hand tightens not letting me walk anywhere.

He gets up, looking me in the eye. "She's just helping me plan a surprise for you. That's it. I promise." He didn't even blink. I looked around, not speaking for the longest time. I walked forward, laying my head on his chest. He wraps his arms around me, sighing in content. "When do I find out the surprise?" I ask into his chest, not bothering to hide the smile growing. "Dunno, we just started planning it." "What type of surprise is it that you need to plan it?" "A super secret and exciting one!" He rests his chin on my head.

"And one that you should tell me." "Nope." "You're a butt." "You've told me that." "Shut up Hemmings." We stand like that for what seems like forever, but his phone begins to ring. "It's Kirsty, I need to take this." He pulls away. "Do I get to meet her after the surprise?" I call as he steps away. "If you want." He shrugs, pressing the phone to his ear.

I head back downstairs, Michael and Ashton waiting. "She's helping him plan me a surprise." I explain. "Oh thank god. I knew he'd never cheat on you." Ashton breathes, giving me a hug. We all head to our rooms, I find ours a bit disheveled, Luke was probably looking for me. I clean up a bit, and when Luke comes back in he's smiling.

"You're surprise is coming together nicely." He says, pulling me down on top of him as he falls to the couch. I lay on his chest, listening to his heartbeat.

"I'm sorry for pretty much ignoring you this week." He says. "It's fine." I sigh, intertwining our fingers. "It's not. I'm gonna take you out tomorrow." "We're driving to Kansas City then performing. We have no time." I giggle. "Then the next day." "Maybe for brunch then. I think we have time for that." "Good. I need Dylan time." "You're having Dylan time right now." "I want more you butt."

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